Revision history for CLI-Dispatch

0.11_03 2010/12/18
  - encoding tweak for help

0.11_02 2010/10/02
  - make sure classes are unloaded after their availability are
    confirmed (except those that are loaded before the check)

0.11_01 2010/10/02
  - use more Try::Tiny

0.10 2010/09/29
  - no code changes
  - added Try::Tiny dependency, hoping to catch test errors correctly

0.09 2010/09/23
  - added run_directly method, which would be handy if you prefer
    writing a set of independent scripts to writing one dispatcher

0.08 2010/08/09
  - now CLI::Dispatch can accept multiple namespaces in which it
    looks for subcommands.
  - noted an example to provide a subcommand aliases.

0.07 2010/04/17
  - added a usage method

0.06 2010/04/02
  - support inline packages to pack everything in a script file

0.05 2009/07/15
  - Now you can add a "check" method to a command to see if it is
    really available for a user (if the command dies there due to
    the lack of recommended modules etc, the dying message will be
    shown in the commands list). (rjbs++)

0.04 2009/07/10
  - should always parse .pod file if it exists (tokuhirom++)

0.03 2009/05/16
  - better error handling (not to show pod with an unexpected error)

0.02 2008/11/17
  - explicitly camelize the first argument for 'Help' command

0.01 2008/11/17
  - initial release