Revision history for Catalyst-Model-Jifty-DBI

0.03 2007/11/27
  - By the request of Matt S. Trout, ISHIGAKI took over this
    namespace and replaced the origianl Catalyst-Model-Jifty-DBI
    (written by Marcus Ramberg; 0.01 released on 2006-06-26) 
    with the former Catalyst-Model-JDBI-Schemas to avoid future
    confusion. Note that this version has backward incompatibility.

  - added default_handle_name to cache the name internally.
  - schema_base is a model name you create by default.

Revision history for Catalyst-Model-JDBI-Schemas

0.02 2007/11/27
  - added missing Test::UseAllModules dependency; no code changes

0.01 2007/11/26
  - initial release

Revision history for original Catalyst-Model-Jifty-DBI (by Marcus Ramberg)

0.01 2006-06-26 14:21:00
    - Initial release