Revision history for Perl extension ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile

0.06  2014/04/08
    - set dynamic_config to false by default

0.05  2013/10/08
    - made Makefile.PL-detection case-insensitive

0.04  2013/09/24
    - fixed to see if cpanfile is available in the same directory
      as Makefile.PL, and exit (or return) if not.
    - bumped up the version of EUMM::CPANfile set in

0.03  2013/09/22
    - fixed to remove unknown parameters to avoid warnings
    - lowered the minimum required version of EUMM to conform to
      Lancaster consensus, though you need better EUMM to release
      a distribution properly.

0.02  2013/09/13
    - fixed EUMM version check (HIROSE++)

0.01  2013/09/12
    - original version