Revision history for Module-New

0.11 2014/09/05
  - added a feature to bump up VERSIONs
  - added a feature to create README from a pod
  - switched to Path::Tiny, and subtest

0.10 2013/10/08
  - added a feature to generate LICENSE
  - refactored ::License (sorry for backward-incompatibility)

0.09 2013/09/27
  - bumped up ExtUtils::MakeMaker::CPANfile requirement to 0.04

0.08 2013/09/22
  - slightly modernized templates
  - dropped support for Module::Install
  - switched to ExtUtils::MakeMaker::CPANfile

0.07 2012/11/22
  - do not exec editor while testing

0.06 2012/11/10
  - always open a newly created file (if an editor is available)
  - no trunk/branch/tag layout anymore
  - switched to YAML::Tiny

0.05 2010/01/31
  - Test::* modules should be declared with "test_requires"
    at least when we use Module::Install (Adam Kennedy's suggestion)
  - removed auto_install from the template for Module::Install.
    It's useful for applications but it's also an unblessed
    feature, and be avoided for modules. (Adam Kennedy's suggestion)
  - added XS support
  - added several context accessors

0.04 2009/08/06
  - no new features
  - bumped up the version req of Text::MicroTemplate to 0.06.
    note that it (silently) removed a "raw_expression_mark"
    option. if your templates relied on it, please fix them.

0.03 2009/03/28
  - bumped up the version req of Log::Dump to 0.03
  - added missing "no_prompt" for a config test
    (which must be the cause of the hang)
  - removed a broken piece of a test (deprecated option)

0.02 2009/03/26
  - initial CPAN release. totally refactored.

0.01 2007/11/21
  - initial coderepos release