Revision history for Perl extension PPM::Make.
0.99 Wed, Feb 2, 2012
- fixed local tarball handling (resolved #63257)
- updated usage text of make_ppm to use --zip_archive option to
create a zip archive (resolved #72919)
- META.(yml|json) is now created by MakeMaker
0.98 Thu, Jan 6, 2011
- ISHIGAKI took over the maintenance.
- Only check Win32::BuildNumber while using ActivePerl
- Check ppm.bat in the site/lib directory
0.97 Sat, Sep 19, 2009
- In PPM::Make::Meta::parse_make, skip MAN3PODS that can appear
if some words from @wanted found (patch supllied by Serguei Trouchelle)
- Address CPAN dist download failure:
- Add no_remote_lookup option, which if specified, will not search
remote databases nor for information not contained in the
files of the distribution:
0.96 Fri, Dec 26, 2008
- if distro misses NAME, use DISTNAME if available (patch provided by
Serguei Trouchelle)
- fix problem with v-style versions of modules when creating PPD
and tgz/zip bundle with --vsr (patch provided by Serguei Trouchelle)
- omit warning when development version of Archive::Tar is used (patch
provided by Serguei Trouchelle).
- refactor searching for ppm info into PPM::Make::Search
- use META information available from
so that SOAP::Lite isn't required
- add the make_ppm_install script, and associated module
PPM::Make::CPAN, for use as the make_install_make_command
within to install modules via ppm.
0.95 Sat, Dec 22, 2007
- fix architecture string addition (eg, MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-5.10)
so as to work with perl-5.10
0.94 Sun, June 10, 2007
- workaround for a bug in Net::FTP 2.77, which drops the last
character on each line when putting file in ASCII mode (provided
by Serguey Trouchelle)
- remove whitespace from version string (provided by Serguey Trouchelle)
- have settings in Makefile override those in META.yml; in particular,
this avoids problem of version strings not being updated in
META.yml (suggested by Serguey Trouchelle)
0.93 Tues, Jan 11, 2007
- sort summary files by package name
0.92 Thur, Dec 21, 2006
- wrap parsing of the ppd files in
around an eval, to catch errors (suggested by
Serguey Trouchelle)
- use CONTENTS exclusively in parse_bundle of
to exract contents of a Bundle file, as some Bundles
also include a DESCRIPTION (suggested by
Serguey Trouchelle)
0.91 Sat, Nov 18, 2006
- import HAS_PPM from PPM::Make::Config in PPM::Make::Install
- use VERSION from META.yml only as a last resort, as a number
of authors forget to update the META.yml:
- rename check_opts of PPM::Make::Install to check_opts_install,
to avoid "subroutine redefinition" warning.
- use PPM::Make::Meta in PPM::Make::Install
- add --skip option to PPM::Make::Install to skip running tests
0.89 Sat, Oct 28, 2006
- add "return 1" to end of make_ppm of PPM::Make, make_bundle
of PPM::Make::Bundle, and ppm_install of PPM::Make::Install,
so one can eval() them (suggested by Serguei Trouchelle)
- if a distribution name can't be found corresponding to a
dist or mod argument, die at a stage before trying to
find the non-existent file.
0.88 Wed, Oct 11, 2006
- fix warnings about an abstract not found in certain cases
- try NAME and DISTNAME when trying to get info on modules
and packages from SOAP/
- use smaller dummy .tar.gz archives under t/ppms/ for the tests
0.87 Wed, Oct 4, 2006
- remove PPM::XML::* files from distribution
- add a skip option to PPM::Make to skip running the tests
- when building up a list of dependencies, ignore those that
come with ActivePerl
- enable parse_ppd() to parse ppd files with multiple
<IMPLEMENTATION> sections, and have PPM::Make::RepositorySummary
output summary files with this information
- add PPM::Make::Bundle to make a zipped bundle file containing
a package and all of its prerequisites
- fixes for setting the version number in certain edge cases
(thanks to Serguei Trouchelle for the patch)
- if fetch_file() fails on assuming the argument passed is a
module, try it as a distribution.
- split methods used in PPM::Make to obtain meta information
about a distribution into PPM::Make::Meta
- split functions used in PPM::Make to obtain config information
into PPM::Make::Config
- if the author meta information is an array ref, dereference it
when writing the ppd file
0.83 Fri, Sep 1, 2006
- use better cross-platform method to guess if a module
is installed as a core module (reported by Jeff McCarrell)
- introduce no_html option in PPM::Make (--no-html in make_ppm)
to disable building of html docs, as some platforms (eg, linux)
may not have an installhtmldir specified in Perl's Config
(reported by Jeff McCarrell)
- introduce --no-cfg as an alias to --no_cfg in make_ppm
- allow zipped distributions made with the --zipdist option
to be uploaded to a specified location, just as is done
with the ppd and tar.gz files
- in making up a ppd file, fetch either from the remote
soap server or from a list of modules for the
given distribution, and use that to populate PROVIDE
elements in the ppd file (introduced in ppm4). This can
be disabled by using the no_pp,4 option in PPM::Make,
or the --no-ppm4 switch in make_ppm
- INCOMPATIBLE change: in PPM::Make, change the zip option
to zip_archive, to enable creation of .zip archives,
rather than .tar.gz ones.
- Add PPM::Make::RepositorySummary to make ppm summary files
(summary.ppm, searchsummary.ppm, package.lst, package.xml)
for a repository, and add a rep_summary script as an interface
0.79 Mon, Aug 21, 2006
- fix bug in xml_encode which led to replacing the '&'
in entitities that were already encoded, such as '<'.
0.78 Wed, Aug 2, 2006
- drop requirement of PPM, and supply the needed files
in the distribution, as the PPM distribution will install
a ppm.bat which overwrites an existing (newer) ppm
(reported by Serguei Trouchelle)
- use HTML::Entities to encode fields in ppd file, so
that high ASCII characters get encoded
(reported by Serguei Trouchelle)
- don't die if error results in loading META.yml file
- rename html_escape routine of PPM::Make::Util to
xml_encode, to better reflect purpose
0.76 Sat, Jan 8, 2006
- add dependency on File::HomeDir to obtain $ENV{HOME}
- allow argument to make_ppm accept a local file as the
source of a distribution
- add capability to make a ppm package for a Bundle/Task file,
to install a list of prerequisites
- fix loading of CPAN::Config to account for recent changes
- add dependency on PPM
0.75 Sat Sep 4 2004
- adjust the routines for getting module and distribution
information to accept an array reference of values, and
return a corresponding hash reference. This cuts down
particularly on repeated calls to the soap server for
distributions with more than one prerequisite.
- fix bug in calling dist_search/mod_search with wrong
args in some cases when guessing author
- fix parsing of YAML file in extracting AUTHOR field, if present
0.74 Fri Aug 27 2004
- add Net::FTP debug messages (thanks to Jeff McCarrell)
- honor presence of $ENV{HOME}, if present, on Win32
in looking for the .ppmcfg configuration file (thanks to
Jeff McCarrell)
- fix bug where the AUTHOR was reported as an ARRAY ref
in the ppd file when META.yaml was used
- attempt to read Module::Build's information file
only when the _build directory is present.
- in getting author information, as well as module/distribution
mappings, in filling out the ppd file, now first try a remote
soap server, and if that fails, fall back to the CPAN indices.
0.71 Fri Apr 2 11:00:00 2004
- fix bug in ppm_install for ppm3
- use $^X rather than $Config{perlpath} for perl binary
0.70 Tue Mar 23 11:00:00 2004
- fix warning in PPM::Make::Util when is configured
but doesn't have a url_list
- added more checks in make_zipdist of PPM::Make when
the codebase isn't a local file
0.69 Mon Mar 22 23:00:00 2004
- use Archive::Zip::AZ_OK(), rather than AZ_OK().
- add zipdist option to make a .zip file consisting
of the .ppd and the .tar.gz files.
0.68 Sun Jan 11 23:00:00 2004
- require Archive::Tar >= 1.08 for Win32 to fix A::T bug
- add --vsp and --vsr flags to add version string to
ppd and archive files
- fix bug on non-Win32 when generating ppm packages for
use on Win32 regarding which files to include in the
archive [thanks to Mike Schilli]
0.67 Thu Nov 20 20:08:00 2003
- fix bug in tk-ppm regarding dialogue_yes_no
- on Win32, only list files in making archive (not directories),
to quieten newer Archive::Tar
0.66 Wed Sep 10 10:08:00 2003
- add documentation for PPM::Make::Install
- add version for PPM::Make::Install and PPM::Make::Util
0.65 Mon Jun 23 14:08:00 2003
- move the install option of PPM::Make to PPM::Make::Install
- add the tk-ppm script
- add support for packages using Module::Build
- add YAML support
- let Getopt::Long handle help and version options
- add option to build cpan distribution
- add checksum check on downloaded CPAN files
- add option to perform case-insensitive module searches
- put utility functions in PPM::Make::Util
0.52 Wed Jun 13 14:08:00 2003
- add ppm_install script to install via ppm
- fix for extracting name from a distribution
- try urls as specified in $CPAN::Config
0.48 Wed Feb 18 12:48:00 2003
- offer to get nmake for Win32, if not present
- add capability to upload ppd and archive files
- support for ini configuration files added
- don't include dependencies if they're part of the core,
or are contained in /^perl$/
- make no default for "exec" if a script is specified
- if the script matches !^(http|ftp)://!, use it as
the HREF attribute of INSTALL.
0.41 Wed Dec 16 12:48:00 2002
- fix parsing of Makefile to avoid unquoted keys
- have dependencies report distribution name, rather than module
0.38 Fri Dec 6 20:48:00 2002
- capability to add version string to ppd and archive filenames
[Toby Johnson <>]
- make possible to omit ARCHITECTURE and OS fields
[Mike Schilli <>]
- workaround for creating .tar.gz files on non-Win32 for Win32
[Mike Schilli <>]
- add Perl string to ARCHITECTURE for >= 5.8
- omit man pages if OS or ARCHITECTURE is missing
0.36 Thu Nov 28 16:48:00 2002
- better linking of HTML docs, using only Pod::Html
[ Mirko <> ]
- make program locations configurable
[Toby Johnson <>]
- don't include man/ directories for a Windows ppm
[Mike Schilli <>]
- use a more descriptive title for the HTML docs
0.28 Sat Nov 16 15:48:00 2002
- add option to add files to archive
- change make_ppm to use Getopt::Long
0.27 Thu Nov 7 10:55:00 2002
- use blib/ files to make html
[ Mirko <> ]
0.26 Sat Nov 2 10:55:00 2002
- adjust html path for more than 2-level module name
[ Mirko <> ]
- added options to install and clean up files
[ Mirko <> ]
0.25 Thu Sep 5 09:42:48 2002
- use XML::Parser to parse ppd file
- adjusted so as to not remake html unless forced
0.2 Thu Aug 29 11:05:00 2002
- search for in $HOME (suggested by Slaven Rezik)
- configurable OS and ARCHITECTURE (suggested by Slaven Rezik)
- add script to archive
- fixed typo in binary/location
- added semi-realistic test
- added A::T/C::Z and A::Z to list of prerequisites
- added option to insert an architecture-dependent subdirectory
0.1 Sun Jul 14 20:05:00 2002
- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
-X -n PPM::Make