Revision history for Parse-LocalDistribution
0.17 2016/04/21
- benchmark revealed unnecessary cwd() took more time than
0.16 2016/01/07
- ported version_ok() implemented in PAUSE to disallow a VERSION
that is too long to store correctly in the PAUSE database
0.15 2015/01/17
- bumped up the required version of Parse::PMFile to 0.35
to tolerate version line errors as undef
0.14 2014/09/02
- permission check
- constructor options
0.13 2014/08/22
- convert (illegal) back slashes in no_index entries to
forward slashes to suppress warnings
0.12 2014/06/06
- no code change
- made sure to use different directories while testing
0.11 2014/04/16
- fixed a case when there are simile and non-simile packages
in the same distribution (such as Text::Xslate), reported by
0.10 2014/04/15
- fixed a wrong usage of internal method (_verbose)
0.09 2014/04/11
- reflected the changes done in PAUSE at QAH 2014
- not to add _error to indexing_warning (introduced in
Parse::PMFile 0.16)
0.08 2014/04/11
- respect MANIFEST/MANIFEST.SKIP correctly (Tux++)
0.07 2014/02/19
- respect meta provides correctly
0.06 2013/11/17
- ignore 'provides' entries whose file field is empty
- keep error infile as infile, not as infile_error
0.05 2013/10/10
- include invalid version info
0.04 2013/10/06
- ignore broken provides field
0.03 2013/09/26
- ignore fatlib (MIYAGAWA++)
- META.json in a subdir should not precede META.yml in the topdir.
0.02 2013/08/25
- corrected infile path in meta provides
0.01 2013/06/15
- initial release