Revision history for Path-Extended-Tiny
0.06 2014/12/23
- fixed README
0.05 2014/10/10
- replaced recurse with the code in Path::Extended, which silenced
"Attempt to free unreferenced scalar" warnings with fork()
(this was actually an issue of File::Find it used)
0.04 2014/10/07
- requires IO::Handle 1.25
0.03 2014/09/30
- fixed a case when an absolute path is passed to file/subdir
(Unlike Path::Class/Path::Tiny, Path::Extended doesn't simply
append the path to the original and replaces the original with
the new absolute path.)
0.02 2014/09/05
- subsumes requires Path::Tiny 0.048
0.01 2014/09/03
- initial release