Revision history for Pod-PerldocJp

0.17 2014/04/17
  - applied changes in Pod::Perldoc to support a "-a" option
    (to show perlapi in Japanese)
  - refactored internally to use *::Tiny modules

0.16 2014/02/23
  - stopped tweaking env

0.15 2014/02/23
  - set -J option (to translate) internally

0.14 2011/03/17
  - hid a private function

0.13 2010/06/11
  - better local file handling (suggested by AzureStone)

0.12 2010/04/24
  - ditch binmode encoding to silence warnings

0.11 2010/04/23
  - don't assume PERLDOCJP_SERVER have /pod/ in its path;
    this makes it easier to launch an api server that serves local

0.10 2010/04/21
  - encode guessing was broken

0.09 2010/04/20
  - now you can pass urls directly

0.08 2010/04/20
  - api server/supported encodings are configurable now
  - guess encoding if necessary

0.07 2010/04/19
  - supported other pods

0.06 2009/12/19
  - check writability of the directory to store pod
  - added env_proxy (mattn's request)
  - added Japanese document

0.05  2009/11/28
  - there were still modules to spit warnings.

0.04  2009/11/28
  - use system's temporary directory to store Japanese pods
    if the share directory for this module is not writable.
  - fixed wrapper (hopefully).

0.03  2009/11/25
  - oops, the previous fix was totally wrong.
    tentatively stopped joining split words.

0.02  2009/11/25
  - fixed infinite loop
  - fixed pod

0.01  2009/11/21
  - initial release