Revision history for Test-Classy

0.10 2014/11/07
  - Test::More 1.3+ support (and dropped obsolete Test::More 1.5/2 support)
  - fixed encoding issue

0.09 2011/03/18
  - Test::More version 2 support

0.08 2009/04/17
  - allowed writing tests in a file (instead of separate files)

0.07 2009/04/09
  - unicode test name/message support (suggested by tokuhirom)

0.06 2009/02/26
  - removed the previous example.

0.05 2009/02/26
  - now each test is "eval"-ed to trap accidental dies.
  - added an example to run tests with various environments.

0.04 2008/10/21
  - added $class->message to prepend test/class names to
    a test message to make it easier to see which test
    comes from which class.

0.03 2008/08/03
  - added 'ignore_me' option (along with 'ignore')
  - added $class->dump to dump things (with Data::Dump)
  - deprecated 'skip_the_rest' in favor of 'skip_this_class'
  - added 'skip_this_test'/'abort_this_test' to skip a unit

0.02 2008/07/08
  - requires perl 5.8.1 as 5.6.2 can't localize through a reference.
  - fixed a syntax error in the Base synopsis
  - added $class->test_name for better message

0.01 2008/07/01
  - initial release