Revision history for Test-PAUSE-Permissions

0.06 2016/04/22
  - added strict mode to prevent accidental addition of an indexable
    module (for a large team)
  - added an option not to ignore modules with an underscored version

0.05 2014/04/11
  - diagnosis if $AUTHORITY matches x_authority (if exists)
  - requires Parse::LocalDistribution 0.08 to respect MANIFEST.SKIP

0.04 2014/04/08
  - changed to test permissions only for the author/releaser

0.03 2014/04/07
  - make sure to compare pause ids in a case-insensitive way

0.02 2014/04/07
  - bumped up PAUSE::Permissions requirement to 0.09
  - improved pod

0.01 2014/04/07
  - initial release