Revision history for WWW-Mixi-Scraper

0.07  2007/10/02
  - scraping rules are totally refactored due to the mixi's renewal.
    now it uses id/class attributes everywhere, so scraping is much
    easier. mixi++ (and k*z*b*r*++, who secretly sent me a patch)
  - and now live tests dump their contents if you test verbosely.
  - new plugin: NewMusic

0.06  2007/08/11
  - new plugin: ViewEvent
  - several View... plugins return ->{link} and ->{images} properly
  - requested uri is now preserved in plugin's $self->{uri}
    for later use (and added ->uri shortcut to
  - ShowFriend returns outline info as well

0.05  2007/07/31
  - applied patches from kazeburo

0.04  2007/07/03
  - new plugin: NewVideo (by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa)
  - some of the live tests spat warnings and/or failed
    when the scraper returns nothing

0.03  2007/07/02
  - now you can tweak_uri() built in the build_uri()
    e.g. to get contents from ''
    (instead of '')

0.02  2007/07/02
  - new plugins: ListMessage, ViewMessage, ShowCalendar
  - included several live tests
    (these won't be tested by normal make process and requires
    extra modules not declared in Makefile.PL, such as YAML,
    DateTime::Format::Strptime, File::Slurp, etc)
  - now logs in just before it needs to get contents;
    i.e. doesn't log in while testing with local files
  - added Time::HiRes dependency to behave and not to
    access too frequently.
  - fixed _datetime() as some pages doesn't have date info.
  - fixed validator() (actually, is_valid) not to spit errors
    when it receives some undefined query parameters.
    thanks to miyagawa.

0.01  2007/06/04
  - initial release