Revision history for WWW-Mixi-Scraper
0.29 2010/07/03
- deprecated ShowCalendar plugin, which is replaced by ShowSchedule
0.28 2010/04/21
- fixed login issue, applied a patch by nipotan++
- deprecated ListEcho, RecentEcho, ResEcho, ViewEcho, ListBookmark
0.27 2010/02/27
- forgot to fix metadata
0.26 2010/02/27
- deprecated NewMusic plugin
- fixed broken ListDiary, NewFriendDiary, ViewDiary, ViewEcho
(pages have been changed)
- moved public repository from coderepos to github
0.25 2009/07/28
- fixed pod (L<NAME|http://...> style of links are not permitted)
- removed WWW::Mechanize::DecodedContent dependency,
as the current WWW::Mechanize (>= 1.50) does the trick by itself
0.24 2009/03/24
- list_message now supports box=outbox etc (thanks to knagano)
0.23 2009/01/29
- fixed broken ListMessage (html has been changed;
thanks to Keiichiro Nagano)
0.22 2009/01/08
- mixi refactored its "show_log", and now we can't get
the year part of the logs. This may cause serious problem
if you use Plagger to know who came to see you.
0.21 2008/12/20
- replaced Module::Pluggable::Fast with Module::Find
- made (List|Recent)Echo more text-friendly
- made ViewMessage more html-friendly, too
0.20 2008/11/23
- bumped up the version req of WWW::Mechanize::DecodedContent
to 0.02 (to support new LWP/WWW::Mechanize's fix)
- mixi seems to have changed its html for view_message.
0.19 2008/09/08
- oops, pods for echo stuff were stale,
and manifest was not updated. sorry.
0.18 2008/09/08
- new plugins: ListEcho, RecentEcho, ResEcho, ViewEcho
(by Kazuhiro Osawa)
0.17 2008/07/29
- oops, forgot to add a live test for ListBookmark
0.16 2008/07/29
- new plugin: ListBookmark (by Tomohiro Hosaka)
- added notes on Plagger::Plugin::CustomFeed::MixiScraper and
on sending me a patch.
0.15 2008/07/07
- mixi renewed its navigation bar, which affected view_diary's
main link. fixed its scraping rule.
0.14 2008/06/04
- mixi seems to have changed show_calendar format
fixed scraping rules (thanks to otsune)
0.13 2008/03/05
- no significant code changes
- hid t_live::lib::Utils from PAUSE
0.12 2008/02/10
- fixed typo in t_live/new_music.t (thanks to drry)
- mixi seems to have changed new_music's datetime format.
fixed its live test.
- added Exporter dependency to export several internal functions
(5.10 dies without it; thanks to tokuhirom)
0.11 2007/11/26
- suppress redefine warnings (thanks to yugui)
- last comment in view_diary was missing
(thanks to anemo and miyagawa)
- increased wait
0.10 2007/10/21
- mixi has slightly changed html/css for
thanks to otsune for the report.
0.09 2007/10/09
- the content of the comment 'link' of ViewBBS/ViewEvent,
which was commenter's profile uri, is now stored in the
newly created 'name_link'. And the 'link' now denotes
pseudo permanent uri of the comment to make plagger/rss
readers happier. Note that this is *incompatible* with
- now ViewBBS's comments have their comment numbers in
'subject' (this also is incompatible with WWW::Mixi;
thanks to false at
0.08 2007/10/06
- changed Web::Scraper's rendering option to 'HTML' for some
of the longer texts (diary body, comment body, bbs/event
description, friend's profile).
- removed a hackery which ripped <br> tags before scraping.
(thanks to otsune for both above)
- bumped up the version requirement of Web::Scraper to 0.17.
0.07 2007/10/02
- scraping rules are totally refactored due to the mixi's renewal.
now it uses id/class attributes everywhere, so scraping is much
easier. mixi++ (and k*z*b*r*++, who secretly sent me a patch)
- and now live tests dump their contents if you test verbosely.
- new plugin: NewMusic
0.06 2007/08/11
- new plugin: ViewEvent
- several View... plugins return ->{link} and ->{images} properly
- requested uri is now preserved in plugin's $self->{uri}
for later use (and added ->uri shortcut to
- ShowFriend returns outline info as well
0.05 2007/07/31
- applied patches from kazeburo
0.04 2007/07/03
- new plugin: NewVideo (by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa)
- some of the live tests spat warnings and/or failed
when the scraper returns nothing
0.03 2007/07/02
- now you can tweak_uri() built in the build_uri()
e.g. to get contents from ''
(instead of '')
0.02 2007/07/02
- new plugins: ListMessage, ViewMessage, ShowCalendar
- included several live tests
(these won't be tested by normal make process and requires
extra modules not declared in Makefile.PL, such as YAML,
DateTime::Format::Strptime, File::Slurp, etc)
- now logs in just before it needs to get contents;
i.e. doesn't log in while testing with local files
- added Time::HiRes dependency to behave and not to
access too frequently.
- fixed _datetime() as some pages doesn't have date info.
- fixed validator() (actually, is_valid) not to spit errors
when it receives some undefined query parameters.
thanks to miyagawa.
0.01 2007/06/04
- initial release