Revision history for Win32-UrlCache

0.04 2007/10/26
  - renamed from Win32-IEHistory to Win32-UrlCache
  - moved old ::FileTime to ::FileTimePP and added new ::FileTime
    which uses Win32::API
  - added ::Title to extract a cached html title (for Win32 only)
  - bumped up version req of Math::BigInt to 1.78 to use 'try'

0.03 2007/10/25
  - no new feature
  - switched to Test::UseAllModules to prevent me from listing
    a wrong module in the t/00_load.t. orz
  - fixed a bug in the synopsis

0.02 2007/10/24
  - largely refactored to diminish memory usage
  - now urls/redrs/leaks accept a callback function
  - accessors of each entry are now writable

0.01 2007/10/22
  - initial release