Revision history for App-MultiSsh

0.10   2015-01-03
        Updating for release of version 0.10
        Changed dependency of Path::Class to Path::Tiny, stopped shelling out to which (Ivan Wills)
        Updated LICENSE details (Ivan Wills)
        Improving tmux support and documentation (Ivan Wills)
        Fixed test work with synch rules (Ivan Wills)
        Added synchronising pages only when a command is being run (Ivan Wills)
        Fixed not running with --tmux option (Ivan Wills)
        Added missing command documentation (Ivan Wills)
        Cleaned up test (Ivan Wills)
        Deleted file as "^B :setw synchronize-panes" does the trick (Ivan Wills)
        Control script for tmux (Ivan Wills)
        Got tmux working (Ivan Wills)
        Created test to build layout (Ivan Wills)
        Working on tmux layout (Ivan Wills)
        Updating for release of version 0.04 (Ivan Wills)
        Added missing documentation (Ivan Wills)
        Updated missing dependencies (Ivan Wills)

0.04   2014-09-15
        Added missing documentation (Ivan Wills)
        Updated missing dependencies (Ivan Wills)

0.03   2014-09-14
        Changed test to use the tests version of perl (Ivan Wills)

0.02   2014-09-14
        Updated manifest (Ivan Wills)
        Updated tests (Ivan Wills)
        Moved more functionality to the lib for better testing (Ivan Wills)
        Removed functions moved to lib (Ivan Wills)
        Moving some methods to lib and testing (Ivan Wills)
        Updated changelog (Ivan Wills)

0.01    2014-09-04
        Fixed boilerplate
        Fixed bad variable
        Corrected license
        Added missing file
        Fixed spelling test
        Other files
        Removed unused/unneeded dependencies
        Updated manifest
        Added full boilerplate testing
        Fixed to test test module and command
        Got compiling
        Initial commit