#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; if ( not $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR} ) { my $msg = 'Author test. Set TEST_AUTHOR environment variable to a true value to run.'; plan( skip_all => $msg ); } # check that Test::Spelling is installed eval { require Test::Spelling; Test::Spelling->import() }; # now check that the spell command is installed my $found; for my $dir ( split /:/, $ENV{PATH} ) { next if !-d $dir; next if !-x "$dir/spell"; $found = 1; last; } plan skip_all => "Test::Spelling required for testing POD spelling" if $@; plan skip_all => "spell command required for testing POD spelling" if !$found; add_stopwords(qw/ YAML NSW Hornsby templatecmd Arg arg var vars XHTML html CGI min Gtk dir fullname ttk txt pl funcs isa obj sig sigs MathML Param SVG TODO criticise perlcriticrc svg github CPAN MERCHANTIBILITY Makemaker OSX README SMB TIMESTAMP VARCHAR Xoo bugtracker gpl initialiser metadata param params pm yml /); all_pod_files_spelling_ok();