Revision history for App-TemplateCMD
0.6.6 2016-03-14
Updating for release of version 0.6.6
Updated date (Ivan Wills)
VTide and editor configs (Ivan Wills)
Dancer2 based templates (Ivan Wills)
Added more things todo (Ivan Wills)
Removed generation/use of Makefile.PL (Ivan Wills)
0.6.5 2015-08-17
Updating for release of version 0.6.5
Removed creation of makefile (Ivan Wills)
0.6.4 2015-07-07
Updating for release of version 0.6.4
Fixed typo in Path::Tiny (Ivan Wills)
0.6.3 2015-07-07
Updating for release of version 0.6.3
Fixed test template (Ivan Wills)
Moved more to Path::Tiny (Ivan Wills)
0.6.2 2015-07-04
Updating for release of version 0.6.2
Fixed POD (Ivan Wills)
0.6.1 2015-06-06
Updating for release of version 0.6.1
Removed accedentally left in debugging code (Ivan Wills)
0.6.0 2015-06-04
Updating for release of version 0.6.0 (Ivan Wills)
Added missing dependencies (Ivan Wills)
Added adding bin file for boilerplate tests if specified (Ivan Wills)
Fixed changed variable name (Ivan Wills)
Removed unused tag (Ivan Wills)
Made base module name possible to specify (Ivan Wills)
Fixed template config in README and added Source Code reference (Ivan Wills)
Added ability to pass JSON values and changed the combining of those keys in print (Ivan Wills)
Removed unused dependency (Ivan Wills)
0.5.9 2015-04-01
Updating for release of version 0.5.9
Fixed readme in manifest (Ivan Wills)
Added specific Test::More version for the features being used (Ivan Wills)
Fixed POD for READMEs (Ivan Wills)
Changed POD test to skip templates (Ivan Wills)
Converted README to POD (Ivan Wills)
Added default build and coverage badges for markdown template (Ivan Wills)
Added markdown version of README (Ivan Wills)
POD version of README (Ivan Wills)
Added ability to switch README formats, Added documentation about use (Ivan Wills)
Fixed NoWarnings tests (Ivan Wills)
Fixed boilerplate test (Ivan Wills)
Added config for (Ivan Wills)
Removed Test::NoWarnings to be replaced by Test::Warnings (Ivan Wills)
Added sending the module file to boilerplate.t template (Ivan Wills)
Updated LICENSE (Ivan Wills)
Removed redundant author example (Ivan Wills)
Added hiding recoverable error (Ivan Wills)
Added missing files to manifest template and sorted (Ivan Wills)
Cleaned up manifest files (Ivan Wills)
Added new template files (Ivan Wills)
Added more things todo (Ivan Wills)
0.5.8 2015-03-01
Updating for release of version 0.5.8
Added travis config as an option (Ivan Wills)
Added supporting setting --path to choose the default template path (Ivan Wills)
Some cleanup of whitespace (Ivan Wills)
HTML5 doc (Ivan Wills)
Added accedentally conjoined file (Ivan Wills)
Cleaned up templates with better formatting etc (Ivan Wills)
0.5.7 2015-02-22
Updating for release of version 0.5.7
More complete gulp option (Ivan Wills)
Merge branch 'master' of (Ivan Wills)
Added Moo option (Ivan Wills)
Added TODO file (Ivan Wills)
New file to produce a template for a POD document (Ivan Wills)
0.5.6 2015-01-19
Updating for release of version 0.5.6
Added more items to the package.json file (Ivan Wills)
New builder for gulp module (Ivan Wills)
Licence updated (Ivan Wills)
Updated skipped files (Ivan Wills)
0.5.5 2014-12-28
Updating for release of version 0.5.5
Updated licence (Ivan Wills)
Changed double quotes to single quotes (Ivan Wills)
Cleaned up generated whitespace (Ivan Wills)
Added default columns (Ivan Wills)
DBIx::Class helpers (Ivan Wills)
0.5.4 2014-11-16
Upated manifest (Ivan Wills)
Added explicit modules to prevent confusion (Ivan Wills)
Fixed version setting (Ivan Wills)
Updating for release of version 0.5.3 (Ivan Wills)
0.5.3 2014-10-09
New template to building module based scripts (Ivan Wills)
Updated boilerplate test (Ivan Wills)
Merge branch 'master' of (Ivan Wills)
Updated boilerplate tests to check for more boilerplate text (Ivan Wills)
Fixed travis-ci config (Ivan Wills)
Merge branch 'master' of (Ivan Wills)
Added travis config (Ivan Wills)
Updating for next release (Ivan Wills)
Updated dependancies (Ivan Wills)
0.5.2 2014-08-15
Updated dependancies (Ivan Wills)
Added more files to skip (Ivan Wills)
New templates for Test::Class::Moose (Ivan Wills)
Fixed abstracts to match spec per (Ivan Wills)
Adding tag files (Ivan Wills)
Improved default Moose style (Ivan Wills)
Added configure_requires section (Ivan Wills)
Added default ignore file (Ivan Wills)
Changed default load test to require files (fixes Windows issues) (Ivan Wills)
Fixed YAML syntax (Ivan Wills)
LICENCE updated (Ivan Wills)
0.5.1 2013-05-09
Changed default load test to one that finds all modules and tries to use them
Added manifest test to default module builds
Fixed file generation
Fixed version numbers
Fixed warning
Changed build/module to make other standard files
Added blank template
Changed to using google jquery
Added better documentation
Removed dia test as it's not really a standard test
Fixed reverted build code
Updated version for next release, added changes to change file
Removed DATA templates
Removed DATA templates
Updated licence code
Changed to using share_dir to distribute templates
Added templates
0.5.0 2012-05-13
Removed DATA templates
Changed to using share_dir to distribute templates
Added templates (moved from DATA section)
Changed the build to command to be keyed on file name rather than template name
Added manifest testing
Updated test to improve catching thrown errors
Added version of manifest.t from module-starter
Fixed bad template name
0.1.1 2011-07-23
Fixed missing Class::Path dependency
0.1.0 2011-06-26
Fixed problem with test when Test::Kwalitee isn't installed
Added extracting module name form output file name
Added tidy option to try to tidy up outputted templates baised on the users preferences
More ignore sorting
Updated the templates
Updated POD
Implemented updating a modules data section
Added missing files
Changed the indentation from tabs to spaces
Added default ignores
Cleaned Build.PL
added repo and bug tracker
Changed path handling to remove trailing slashes
Fixed up the build command so that can now build a directory of templates
Added helper scripts for handling conversion of templates between DATA and files
0.0.4 2010-02-16
Added missing required modules
Fixed not correctly finding templates
Removed unused module
Fixed missing requirements of Readonly and List::MoreUtils
Fixed spelling mistake
Updated templates to include my more up to date best practices
0.0.3 2009-07-13
Minor changes to the default templates for tests and changed the
packages' tests to match
0.0.2 2009-06-02
Minor fixes to print's matching incomplete template names
Some documentation cleanup
0.0.1 2009-05-26
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.