Revision history for App-watchdo

0.0.4   2015-09-10
        Updating for release of version 0.0.4
        Fixed git watching (Ivan Wills)

0.0.3   2015-08-19
        Updating for release of version 0.0.3
        Removed creation of makefile (Ivan Wills)
        Added Perl 5.22 to list of perl versions to build with (Ivan Wills)

0.0.2   2015-06-23
        Updating for release of version 0.0.2
        Removed unneeded tag (Ivan Wills)

0.0.1   2015-03-29
        Updated dependencies (Ivan Wills)
        Fixed up tests (Ivan Wills)
        Fixed git repo location (Ivan Wills)
        Fixed tests (Ivan Wills)
        Moved file from App-Useful (Ivan Wills)
        Fixed manifest (Ivan Wills)
        Initial commit (Ivan Wills)