Revision history for Log-Deep
0.3.4 2015-06-27
Updating for release of version 0.3.4
Switched tests to Test::Warnings (Ivan Wills)
Updated dependencies (Ivan Wills)
Fixed accedental test (Ivan Wills)
Updated boilerplate test (Ivan Wills)
Removed built files (Ivan Wills)
Removed unneeded tag (Ivan Wills)
Added specific Test::More version for the features being used (Ivan Wills)
Build changes (Ivan Wills)
0.3.3 2014-08-19
Updated to latest standard (Ivan Wills)
Removed no longer used dependency File::Slurp, and moved not required dependencies to recommends (Ivan Wills)
Removed File::Slurp dependency (Ivan Wills)
Cleaned up tests (Ivan Wills)
Adding tag files (Ivan Wills)
Updated ignores (Ivan Wills)
Added configure requires section (Ivan Wills)
More ignore sorting (Ivan Wills)
Updated version number for next release (Ivan Wills)
Fixed missing use English statement (Ivan Wills)
0.3.2 2010-08-02
Fixed some test failures for author tests
0.3.1 2010-07-20
Added new dependencies
Added checks for log lines that are too long to process
Added truncating stack trace if too large
Fixed missing required modules
Updated package files to latest standard
Added more error checking code
Refactored data handling code into seperate functions
Trying harder to get full log lines
Sorted out some edge cases with displaying extra data
Forgot to release 0.3.0 :-)
Fixed typos
Updated/Fixed the documentation
upped version number
Added missing files
Removed optional modules
Added code to try to reduce the cpu usage of reading log files and reduce the warning messages produced
Added File package to load tests
Added code to try to better guarentee log messages get written to file, updated test up use that code
Cleaned up code/build files
Refactored out the file and line code into seperate modules and fixed the tests
0.2.0 2009-05-23
Many stability improvements
Improved test coverage, particularly of Log::Deep::Read
Improved Documentation
0.1.0 2009-05-16
Catalyst API compatibly synchronisation
0.0.6 2009-05-11
Minor bug fix
0.0.5 2009-05-12
Stuff happened
0.0.1 2009-05-
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.