Revision history for WebService-SonarQube

0.07   2016-03-10
        Updating for release of version 0.07
        Updated license (Ivan Wills)
        Added editor config file (Ivan Wills)
        Fixed missing final cut in POD (Ivan Wills)

0.06   2015-11-29
        Updating for release of version 0.06
        Adding description of action (Ivan Wills)
        Added list methods option (Ivan Wills)

0.05   2015-09-07
        Updating for release of version 0.05
        Removed creation of makefile (Ivan Wills)

0.04   2015-09-06
        Updating for release of version 0.04
        Added encoding usernames and passwords incase they contain special characters (Ivan Wills)

0.03   2015-07-18
        Updating for release of version 0.03
        Lowered URI min version requirement (Ivan Wills)
        Added coveralls config (Ivan Wills)
        Added Perl 5.22 to list of perl versions to build with (Ivan Wills)

0.02   2015-06-05
        Updating for release of version 0.02
        Got test coverage to 100% (Ivan Wills)
        Added good and bad command tests (Ivan Wills)
        Added new files to manifest (Ivan Wills)
        Starting to do tests (Ivan Wills)
        Added ignoring temp files (Ivan Wills)
        Added documentation for ws-sonar (Ivan Wills)

0.01    2015-05-05
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.