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Revision history for Image-Compare
1.01 2016-01-31
- Assembly system is replaced with EUMM
- The module is posted on Github
- Some tests are corrected
1.0 2014-12-16
- Adding some clarity to the documentation around the IMAGE output method.
Thanks to Daniel Gempesaw for the patch!
0.9 2010-09-23
- I really hope this is the last time I have to fix this test.
0.8 2010-05-29
- Yet ANOTHER fix for the world's worst test
0.7 2010-05-18
- Making the dumb network test marginally less moronic
0.6 2010-05-01
- Fixing some Pod::Coverage problems
0.5 2008-04-06
- Major refactoring
- Made some requirements into recommendations
- Added new THRESHOLD_COUNT comparator
- Added support for user-provided color gradients
- Added match mask support
- I'm not sure where 0.4 went.
0.3 2006-09-15
- Adding accessors for image1, image2 and method
- Fixing up makefile to make it friendlier
0.2 2006-07-23
- Adding a few tests
0.1 2006-04-11
- No changes -- initial release