Revision history for Test-BDD-Cucumber-Definitions
0.30 2018-04-01T19:01:56Z
[ File ]
- All the data in the File module is stored in the object
[ Struct ]
- The step "file content read JSON" is added to the Struct module
- The Struct module adds steps to check the hash keys
[ All ]
- Requirement Moose was added
- Requirement namespace::autoclean was added
0.29 2018-03-25T18:16:33Z
[ All ]
- Error message when checking type was fixed
0.28 2018-03-25T18:07:36Z
[ All ]
- Requirement File::Slurper was added
- Requirement IO::Capture was added
[ File ]
- Steps to read the files were added
0.27 2018-03-20T20:29:03Z
[ All ]
- The "validator_n" validation function has been added
- Requirement IPC::Run3 was added
[ File ]
- Module File was added
0.26 2018-03-11T20:32:12Z
[ HTTP ]
- The body of the HTTP request is encoded in utf8
0.25 2018-03-10T22:07:18Z
[ All ]
- The Validator module with a set of basic functions for parameter validation is added
- All step definitions are placed in the import function
[ TBCD ]
- The TBCD module has been added. The module loads all the step definitions at once.
[ HTTP ]
- Functions renamed more accurately
0.24 2018-03-06T20:35:27Z
[ All ]
- The POD of the main module has been edited
0.23 2018-03-05T21:04:21Z
[ All ]
- Migrate to Minilla
0.22 2018-03-04
[ All ]
- In all types of Tbcd*, the scenario and environment variables are interpolated
[ HTTP ]
- Types have been removed, HTTP module are redesigned to use the ::Types
[ Struct ]
- Types have been removed, Struct module are redesigned to use the ::Types
- In the module Struct were added functions for working with arrays
- All functions are renamed more uniformly
[ Zip ]
- Functions in the Zip module have been renamed
0.21 2018-03-01
[ All ]
- Types common to all modules have been added (::Types)
[ HTTP ]
- The HTTP module uses common types from ::Types
[ Var ]
- Module Var was added
0.20 2018-02-28
[ HTTP ]
- In the values specified in the HTTP module, you can use scenario variables
(but you can not specify the variables in the step, only manually)
0.19 2018-02-25
[ Zip ]
- Steps to work with Zip archives are added
- Requirements Archive::Zip, IO::String has been added
[ Struct ]
- The function for reading data in the JSON format has been moved from the JSON module to the Struct module
[ JSON ]
- The JSON module has been removed
0.18 2018-02-24
[ All ]
- Requirement MooseX::Types::Common was added
- Module TypeConstraints is removed. The HTTP and Struct modules have their own types.
[ HTTP ]
- Steps was edited
[ Struct ]
- Steps was edited
0.17 2018-02-23
[ HTTP ]
- URL of the http request can use environment variables
[ JSON ]
- POD fixed
0.16 2018-02-21
[ HTTP ]
- Accidentally forgotten import function C was added
0.15 2018-02-19
[ Definitions ]
- Functions S, C, Given, When and Then are exported from the module Definitions
[ Struct ]
- The Struct module stores the data in S->{struct}->{data}
0.14 2018-02-18
[ JSON ]
- Module JSON is divided into two separate modules JSON and Struct
[ Struct ]
- Module was added
0.13 2018-02-18
[ HTTP ]
- The steps in the HTTP::In module have been renamed
- For the HTTP::Ru module, documentation is written in POD format
[ JSON ]
- Module "Data" was renamed to "JSON"
- For the JSON::Ru module, documentation is written in POD format
0.12 2018-02-11
[ HTTP ]
- Module HTTP::Ru with the definitions of steps in the Russian language is added
- *_decoded functions in module HTTP have been removed
[ Data ]
- Some steps in module Data::In renamed
0.11 2018-02-07
- Module Data::Ru with the definitions of steps in the Russian language is added
0.10 2018-02-07
- The architecture of the module is changed. The utilities are migrated from HTTP::Utils to HTTP,
and the step definitions are migrated from HTTP to HTTP::In.
Similarly done for Data.
- Params::ValidationCompiler module version 0.22 is required
0.09 2018-02-07
- Types are organized into the library using MooseX::Types
0.08 2018-02-05
- Functions in Util modules check parameters using types from the TypeConstraints module
0.07 2018-02-03
[ HTTP ]
- Added functions for checking decoded content
[ Data ]
- The function for decoding structured data uses decoded content
0.06 2018-01-13
- The definition "http response content must be" and the function "content_eq" was added
0.05 2018-01-09
- Support for the environment variable BDD_HTTP_HOST has been added
0.04 2018-01-08
- Fix dependencies
0.03 2018-01-08
- Functions for working with data are transferred to the Data module
- Util modules export their functions
0.01 Date/time
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.