Revision history for Perl extension XML::WBXML.
0.08 2015-05-21
- The module got back the name XML::WBXML
0.07 2015-05-13
- File MANIFEST was fixed
- Information about the authors and the history module has been updated
0.06 2015-05-05
- Added meta-info (repository)
0.05 2015-05-05
- Module renamed from XML::WBXML in XML::WB
0.04 2015-04-29
- Fork XML-WBXML-0.03
- Fixed bug (t/01-basic.t fails)
0.03 Thu Jul 27 13:41:09 EDT 2006
- Allow it to work on Perl 5.6, as reported
to work by
0.02 Thu Aug 11 22:55:04 2005
- Bigger test suite
0.01 Thu Aug 11 17:41:04 2005
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-n XML::WBXML -A -x -b 5.8.3 wbxml