Revision history for Git-Raw
0.38 2014-06-11 20:03:53SAST+0200 Africa/Johannesburg
- Fixed Windows specific path comparison test case
- (Possibly) Fix cross-compilation issues with ARM architectures
0.37 2014-06-08 17:25:17SAST+0200 Africa/Johannesburg (TRIAL RELEASE)
- Removed Index -> add_conflict() (Incompatible change) (GH#97)
- Index -> read() now takes an optional force argument (GH#97)
- Added Raw -> features() method. This may be used to query the features
built into libgit2 (and thus Git::Raw).
- Added Repository methods (GH#97):
+ Repository -> cherry_pick()
+ Repository -> revert()
- Update libgit2 to df19219 (GH#99,GH#102)
- Added Index methods (GH#100):
+ Index -> capabilities()
+ Index -> path()
+ Index -> add_all()
+ Index -> remove_all()
- Improved documentation (GH#101)
- Improved the error model (GH#101)
All errors are now Git::Raw::Error objects. Extended error information
provided by libgit2 may be queried (code/category/message) via the
corresponding accessor. All existing code should continue to work as is
(via "" and bool overloads).
- Added Error methods (GH#101):
+ Error -> code()
+ Error -> category()
+ Error -> message()
- Removed constants from Filter (Incompatible change) (GH#101):
They are now located in the Error namespace.
0.36 2014-05-02 15:59:18SAST+0200 Africa/Johannesburg (TRIAL RELEASE)
- Repository -> reset() now understands a 'hard' reset (GH #96)
- Removed the unused/unimplemented 'completion' callback type from Repository
and Remote (GH #96)
- Update libgit2 to 89e9c16
- Threaded libgit2 is now disabled when using the SunPro compiler (even with pthreads)
- Should now build on older versions of MidnightBSD and Cygwin
- Hopefully now builds against libssh2 if its available on OpenBSD
0.35 2014-04-28 18:43:14SAST+0200 Africa/Johannesburg
- Added support for building with compilers other than gcc/clang (GH #93):
+ Windows: MSVC
+ Solaris: SunPro
- Silenced a number of warnings (GH #93)
- libgit2 is now built with the correct bits setting when building a 32-bit
version on a 64-bit system (GH #93)
- Remote -> is_url_supported() test cases only run when network testing
is enabled. (GH #93)
- Set core.autocrlf to "true" in the test repository for diff tests. This
fixes test cases failures on Windows (GH #93)
- Use file:/// on Windows for local push tests. (GH #93)
- Users can now specify the OpenSSL and/or libssh2 to use as argument
to Makefile.PL (GH #94):
+ --with-openssl-include
+ --with-openssl-libs
+ --with-libssh2-include
+ --with-libssh2-lib
- Improve reliability of time-dependent tests
0.34 2014-04-27 12:38:41SAST+0200 Africa/Johannesburg (TRIAL RELEASE)
- Add Repository -> message() method (GH#72) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Add Reference methods (GH#73) (thanks, @jacquesg!):
+ Reference -> shorthand()
+ Reference -> is_tag()
+ Reference -> is_note()
- Enable libgit2 threading support (GH#74) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Add support for push callbacks (GH#75) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Update to libgit2 4f9d541 (GH#76) (GH#78) (GH#85) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Add support for SSH interactive login (GH#78) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Add Push -> update_tips() method (GH#79) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Make clone tests more robust (GH#79) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Add Repository -> is_head_detached() (GH#83) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Allow "tree" parameter to be undef in Repository -> tree()
(GH#81) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Added additional diff flags (GH#86):
+ include_typechange
+ include_typechange_trees
+ ignore_case
+ skip_binary_check
+ enable_fast_untracked_dirs
+ show_untracked_content
+ show_unmodified
- Repository -> branches() now takes an optional branch
type argument (GH#85)
- Add Remote methods (GH#87):
+ Remote -> pushurl()
+ Remote -> check_cert()
+ Remote -> clear_refspecs()
+ Remote -> refspec_count()
+ Remote -> refspecs()
+ Remote -> fetch()
+ Remote -> is_url_valid()
+ Remote -> is_url_supported()
- Add RefSpec methods (GH#87):
+ RefSpec -> dst_matches()
+ RefSpec -> src_matches()
+ RefSpec -> string()
+ RefSpec -> direction()
+ RefSpec -> transform()
+ RefSpec -> rtransform()
+ RefSpec -> is_force()
- Add Branch methods (GH#84):
+ Branch -> remote_name()
+ Branch -> upstream_name()
- The Reference returned by Branch -> remote() now has enough information
to be used as a real Reference. Previously it didn't capture the owning
Repository. (GH#84)
- Add Commit methods (GH#88):
+ Commit -> ancestor()
- Add Graph methods (GH#88):
+ Graph -> is_ancestor_of()
- Repository -> merge_base() now accepts a "commitish" (GH#88)
- Add Diff methods (GH#77):
+ Diff -> find_similar()
+ Diff -> stats()
- Add Diff::Stats methods (GH#77):
+ Diff::Stats -> insertions()
+ Diff::Stats -> deletions()
+ Diff::Stats -> files_changed()
+ Diff::Stats -> buffer()
- Add PathSpec methods (GH#89):
+ PathSpec -> new()
+ PathSpec -> match()
- Add PathSpec::MatchList methods (GH#89):
+ PathSpec::MatchList -> count()
+ PathSpec::MatchList -> entries()
+ PathSpec::MatchList -> failed_count()
+ PathSpec::MatchList -> failed_entries()
- Fixed branch test cases:
There may be a 1-2 second difference in time between commiting and
comparing against the current signature.
- Fixed internal callback leaks (GH#90)
- Cred -> sshkey() now doesn't require a passphrase (GH#90)
- 'progress' callback for Repository -> clone() and Remote -> set_callbacks()
has been renamed to 'sideband_progress' (incompatible change).
- Add Walker methods (GH#91):
+ Walker -> push_range()
- Compiler options should be determined in Makefile.PL context (GH#91)
Fixes problems building a 32-bit perl on a 64-bit system
0.33 2014-04-14 12:28:23+02:00 Europe/Rome
- Fix segfaults caused by invalid object creation (GH#66) (thanks, @pipcet!)
- Add Config -> default() method (GH#67) (thanks, @magnolia-k!)
- Do not fail when a lightweight tag is found in the Tag->foreach() callback
(GH#68) (thanks, @pipcet!)
- Add Tree::Entry -> file_mode() method (GH#69) (thanks, @pipcet!)
- Repository -> merge() now takes %merge_opts and %checkout_opts as 2
separate parameters. (incompatible change) (GH#70)
- Merge options parameter member 'automerge' has been renamed to 'favor',
inline with libgit2 API changes. (incompatible changes) (GH#70)
It has also learned about a 'union' merge.
- Checkout options has learned new options: 'target_directory', 'ancestor_label',
'our_label' and 'their_label'. (GH#70)
- Checkout strategy has additional options: (GH#70)
'use_ours', 'use_theirs', 'skip_locked_directories', 'dont_overwrite_ignored',
'conflict_style_merge', 'conflict_style_diff3' and 'disable_pathspec_match'.
- Added new Repository methods (#GH70):
+ Repository -> merge_analysis()
+ Repository -> merge_base()
- Added new Index methods (#GH70):
+ Index -> write_tree_to()
+ Index -> checkout()
+ Index -> entries()
+ Index -> add_conflict()
+ Index -> remove_conflict()
- Added new Commit method (#GH70):
+ Commit -> merge()
- Added new Tree method (#GH70):
+ Tree -> merge()
- Index -> add() now either takes a path or a Index::Entry (GH#70)
- Remote->create_inmemory() has been replaced by Remote->create_anonymous()
(incompatible change) (GH#71).
The order of 'url' and 'fetchspec' has also been reversed to bring it
inline with the upstream changes.
- Update libgit2 to bcc6229
0.32 2014-03-16 15:02:47+01:00 Europe/Rome
- Update libgit2 to 648a985 (GH#53, GH#56) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Minor Win32 build fix
- Add Reflog class (GH#55) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Suport non-default stash flags (GH#56) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Clean-up test repositories after test run (GH#59) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Rename classes (incompatible changes):
+ Git::Raw::TreeBuilder -> Git::Raw::Tree::Builder
+ Git::Raw::TreeEntry -> Git::Raw::Tree::Entry
- Improve patch and diff support (GH#61) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
+ New classes: Git::Raw::Patch, Git::Raw::Diff::Delta,
Git::Raw::Diff::Hunk, Git::Raw::Diff::File
- Improve index conflicts handling (GH#62) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Add support for filters (GH#57) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Add support for blame (GH#63) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Visual Studio build fixes (GH#64) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Correctly handle Git::Raw::Remote refcount (GH#65) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
0.31 2014-02-08 19:07:55 Europe/Rome
- Fix include paths on FreeBSD (GH#49) (GH#50) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- (Try to) support building libgit2 on Windows
- Properly create Commit objects in Walker -> next()
(GH#52) (thanks, @karel-m for the test case!)
0.30 2014-01-26 14:39:08 Europe/Rome (TRIAL RELEASE)
- Add "paths" checkout option (GH#23) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Various fixes to make it possible to build with MSVC
(GH#24, GH#25, GH#26, GH#27, GH#28) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Repository -> remotes() now returns a list like branches() and refs()
(incompatible change)
- Repository -> tags() now returns a list like branches() and refs()
(incompatible change)
- Add Commit -> summary() method (GH#32) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Add new Repository methods (GH#33) (thanks, @jacquesg!):
+ Repository -> state()
+ Repository -> state_cleanup()
+ Repository -> is_shallow()
- Add new clone options (GH#34) (thanks, @jacquesg!):
+ "remote_name"
+ "checkout_branch"
+ "ignore_cert_errors"
+ "disable_checkout"
- Update to libgit2 426d845
- Move Blob/Tree -> is_blob() and -> is_tree() to XS
(GH#36) (thanks, @magnolia-k!)
- Add Repository -> new() (GH#37) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Add Remote -> create_inmemory() and Remote -> ls()
(GH#37) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Add support for more callbacks for:
+ Remote -> callbacks()
+ Repository -> clone()
+ Repository -> checkout()
(GH#39) (thanks, @jacquesg!) (incompatible change)
- Add Repository -> path_is_ignored() (GH#38) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Improve Repository -> status() (incompatible change):
+ It can now return the statuses of multiple files (GH#29)
+ It can now detect file renames (GH#30) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Improve Repository -> diff() and Tree -> diff(), they can now take options
and flags (GH#42) (thanks, @jacquesg!) (incompatible change)
- Add Signature -> default() method (GH#43) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Repository -> reset() now takes an %opts argument, which can also be used
to specify the entries that should be updated (like "git reset -- file")
(GH#44) (thanks, @jacquesg!) (incompatible change)
- Reference -> target() now takes an additional optional parameter $new_target
used to change the reference's target (GH#47) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Add Index -> has_conflicts() and Index -> conflict_cleanup() methods
(GH#46) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
- Add Repository -> merge() method (GH#31) (thanks, @jacquesg!)
0.29 2013-11-24 20:17:02 Europe/Rome
- Update to libgit2 v0.20
+ Remove Branch -> foreach() (incompatible change)
+ Repository -> branches() now returns a "real" list instead of an array
- Rename Cred -> plaintext() to Cred -> userpass() and Cred -> keyfile()
to Cred -> sshkey() (incompatible change)
- Add Cred -> sshagent() method
- Add is_tree() and is_blob() to Tree and Blob (GH#22) (thanks, @ap!)
0.28 2013-11-18 15:00:10 Europe/Rome
- Add Blob -> id() (GH#15) (thanks, @hoelzro!)
- Add TreeBuilder API (GH#16) (thanks, @hoelzro!)
- Add Reference -> create() (GH#17) (thanks, @hoelzro!)
- Add Repository -> refs() method (GH#19) (thanks, @hoelzro!)
- Make Commit -> create() take an optional parameter indicating the name
of a reference to update (GH#19) (thanks, @hoelzro!)
0.27 2013-10-23 12:34:13 Europe/Rome
- Update to libgit2 1c74686
- Add Diff -> print() which replaces Diff -> patch() and Diff -> compact()
- Remove deprecated methods (incompatible change):
+ Remote -> cred_acquire()
+ Diff -> patch()
+ Diff -> compact()
0.26 2013-10-09 16:11:42 Europe/Rome
- Fix build with glibc < 2.17
0.25 2013-10-09 15:17:56 Europe/Rome
- Update to libgit2 711333e
+ Rename Branch -> tracking() to upstream() (incompatible change)
+ Rename Remote -> fetchspec() to add_fetch and pushspec to add_push()
They will not return the remote spec anymore (incompatible change)
- Enable support for libssh2 at build-time
- Add support for SSH key credentials via Cred -> keyfile()
- Add Remote -> callbacks() method
- Add Remote -> load() method
0.24 2013-03-31 13:06:30 Europe/Rome
- Update libgit2 to d2a4a54
- Config -> bool()/int()/str() now return undef when a configuration variable
is not found, instead of segfaulting (GH#13)
0.23 2013-03-25 14:09:09 Europe/Rome
- Update libgit2 to 3f21a23
+ The Branch -> move() method does not modify the Branch object anymore, as
per the new underlying libgit2 implementation. An additional lookup is
needed in order to get the new object (incompatible change)
+ Remove Reference -> is_packed() method since it disappeared from libgit2
- Add Branch -> tracking() method
0.22 2013-02-23 15:19:30 Europe/Rome
- Remove test_repo after tests, to allow "make test" to run multiple times
(should fix OpenBSD CPAN Testers)
- Update libgit2 to 5eeb357
0.21 2013-02-20 17:41:56 Europe/Rome
- Reference -> target(), Tree -> diff() and TreeEntry -> object() methods do
not accept a Repository argument anymore (incompatible change)
- Fix memory leak in Tree -> entry_bypath() (GH#11)
- Tag -> delete() is now an object method just like other delete() methods
(incompatible change)
- Do not use Makefile.embed to build libgit2 to avoid FTBFS on *BSD
- Update libgit2 to fd69c7b
0.20 2013-01-26 13:46:00 Europe/Rome
- Documentation fixes (GH#6) (thanks, @daknok!)
- Add note in the documentation about the API being unstable
- Update libgit2 to f42beff
+ Update checkout strategies' names: "update_unmodified", "update_missing",
"update_modified" and "update_untracked" have been removed (incompatible
- Repository -> head() now takes an additional optional parameter $new_head
used to change the repository's HEAD (GH#7)
- Repository -> workdir() now takes an additional optional parameter $new_dir
used to change the repository's working directory
(GH#8, #9) (thanks, @thaljef)
- Add Tree -> entry_by{name,path}() methods (GH#10) (thanks, @keedi!)
0.19 2013-01-03 19:24:50 Europe/Rome
- Fix errors in the Push and Repository examples (no functional changes)
- Reference -> target() does not need a Repository argument anymore (its
documentation was also incorrect) (thanks, @ruz!)
- Repository -> head() now returns a Reference like the underlying libgit2 API
instead of a Commit (incompatible change) (thanks, @ruz!)
- Update libgit2 to 07871d3
+ Rename Remote -> add() method to Remote -> create() and remove
Remote -> new() (incompatible changes)
+ Update Repository -> clone() to take an URL again (instead of a remote)
and a generic %opts parameter (incompatible changes)
- Update Repository -> checkout() to take a generic %opts parameter and improve
its documentation (incompatible change)
0.18 2012-12-14 18:39:16 Europe/Rome
- Add Walker -> push_*() and hide_*() methods (thanks, @ruz!)
- Update libgit2 to 37ac443
- Add Push and Cred classes
+ Now pushing to remote HTTP(S) repositories is supported
- Fix a double-free bug in Reference -> delete() method (GH#4)
- Add Reference -> owner() method (thanks, @ruz)
- Now Repository -> clone() takes a Remote argument instead of a URL to support
authentication while cloning over HTTP(S) (incompatible change)
0.17 2012-12-04 13:49:35 Europe/Rome
- Update libgit2 to da82043
+ Add Tag -> foreach() method
- Documentation fixes (no functional changes)
- Add Branch -> is_head() method
- Add Config -> new(), add_file(), refresh() and foreach() methods
- Add Index -> read_tree() and remove() methods
- Add Repository -> checkout() method
- Support custom checkout strategies in Repository -> clone() and checkout()
+ This adds an additional parameter to Repository -> clone()
(incompatible change)
- SSL support is now enabled if OpenSSL is present at build time
0.16 2012-11-30 12:43:50 Europe/Rome
- Load Git::Raw from other modules too (thanks, @ruz!)
- Make Branch ISA Reference (thanks, @ruz!)
- Add Branch -> foreach() method (thanks, @ruz!)
+ Add Repository -> branches() method
- Add Repository -> ignore() method
- Add Stash class
- The Remote -> name() and url() methods now take an optional argument that
is used to change the name/url of a remote.
- Add RefSpec class
+ Add Remote -> {fetch,push}spec() methods
- Add Blob -> size() method
- Add Blob -> create() method
+ Add Repository -> blob() method
- Add Reference -> is_{branch,packed,remote}() methods (thanks, @ruz!)
- Add Branch -> move() method
0.15 2012-10-30 22:39:50 Europe/Rome
- The $is_bare check in Repository -> clone() was inverted
- Update libgit2 to 6c21358a8
+ Remove Index -> uniq() and append() methods
0.14 2012-10-19 12:26:40 Europe/Rome
- Test fixes (GH#2) (thanks, @vlet)
- Update libgit2 to b2b571ce0
0.13 2012-10-02 18:27:05 Europe/Rome
- Fix test failures
0.12 2012-09-22 19:24:45 Europe/Rome
- Fix typo in Reference's docs
- Add a proper Changes file
- Update libgit2 to d75074:
+ Remove Branch -> delete() method (incompatible change)
+ Add Repository -> clone() method
0.11 2012-08-23 09:41:38 Europe/Rome
- Various documentation fixes (no functional changes)
0.10 2012-08-22 18:53:04 Europe/Rome
- Add delete() method for all the objects that support it
- Move Repository -> tag(), branch() and walker() functionality to the
respective object constructors
0.09 2012-08-22 17:56:59 Europe/Rome
- Add lookup() method for all the objects that support it
- Add Diff class
0.08 2012-08-21 15:15:17 Europe/Rome
- Add Repository -> reset() method
- Add Branch class and Repository -> branch() method
- Embed libgit2 sources to ease building
0.07 2012-08-20 19:02:44 Europe/Rome
- Add Repository -> discover() method
0.06 2012-08-17 14:13:05 Europe/Rome
- Add Remote class
- Add Repository -> tags() method
0.05 2012-08-09 15:56:21 Europe/Rome
- Add Reference class
0.04 2012-08-08 21:42:46 Europe/Rome
- Add Blob class
- Add TreeEntry class and Tree -> id() method
- Add Commit -> tree() method
- Rename Config -> string() method to Config -> str()
0.03 2012-08-06 16:45:57 Europe/Rome
- Add proper support for commit parents
- Add Walker class
- Add Repository -> status() method
- Add more Config methods
0.02 2012-08-05 20:18:56 Europe/Rome
- Improve exception messages
- Add Commit -> id() method
- Add Repository -> lookup() and -> head() methods
- Add Tag class
0.01 2012-08-05 11:43:13 Europe/Rome
- Initial version