package Git::Raw::Index;
$Git::Raw::Index::VERSION = '0.51';
use strict;
use warnings;

use Git::Raw;

=head1 NAME

Git::Raw::Index - Git index class

=head1 VERSION

version 0.51


A L<Git::Raw::Index> represents an index in a Git repository.

B<WARNING>: The API of this module is unstable and may change without warning
(any change will be appropriately documented in the changelog).

=head1 METHODS

=head2 owner( )

Retrieve the L<Git::Raw::Repository> owning the index.

=head2 add( $entry )

Add C<$entry> to the index. C<$entry> should either be the path of a file
or alternatively a L<Git::Raw::Index::Entry>.

=head2 add_all( \%opts )

Add or update all index entries to match the working directory. Valid fields for
the C<%opts> hash are:

=over 4

=item * "paths"

List of path patterns to add.

=item * "flags"

Valid fields for the C<%flags> member:

=over 8

=item * "force"

Forced addition of files (even if they are ignored).

=item * "disable_pathspec_match"

Disable pathspec pattern matching against entries in C<$paths>.

=item * "check_pathspec"

Enable pathspec pattern matching against entries in C<$paths> (default).


=item * "notification"

The callback to be called for each added or updated item. Receives the C<$path>
and matching C<$pathspec>. This callback should return C<0> if the file should
be added to the index, C<E<gt>0> if it should be skipped or C<E<lt>0> to abort.


=head2 find( $path )

Find the first L<Git::Raw::Index::Entry> which point to given C<$path>. If an
entry cannot be found, this function will return C<undef>.

=head2 remove( $path )

Remove C<$path> from the index.

=head2 remove_all( \%opts )

Remove all matching index entries. See C<Git::Raw::Index-E<gt>update_all()> for
valid C<%opts> values.

=head2 path( )

Retrieve the full path to the index file on disk.

=head2 clear( )

Clear the index.

=head2 read( [$force] )

Update the index reading it from disk.

=head2 write( )

Write the index to disk.

=head2 read_tree( $tree )

Replace the index contente with C<$tree>.

=head2 write_tree( [$repo] )

Create a new tree from the index and write it to disk. C<$repo> optionally
indicates which L<Git::Raw::Repository> the tree should be written to. Returns
a L<Git::Raw::Tree> object.

=head2 checkout( [\%checkout_opts] )

Update files in the working tree to match the contents of the index.
See C<Git::Raw::Repository-E<gt>checkout()> for valid
C<%checkout_opts> values.

=head2 entries( )

Retrieve index entries. Returns a list of L<Git::Raw::Index::Entry> objects.

=head2 add_conflict( $ancestor, $theirs, $ours)

Add a new conflict entry. C<$ancestor>, C<$theirs> and C<$ours> should be
L<Git::Raw::Index::Entry> objects.

=head2 get_conflict( $path )

Get the conflict entry for C<$path>. If C<$path> has no conflict entry,
this function will return C<undef>.

=head2 remove_conflict( $path )

Remove C<$path> from the index.

=head2 has_conflicts( )

Determine if the index contains entries representing file conflicts.

=head2 conflict_cleanup( )

Remove all conflicts in the index (entries with a stage greater than 0).

=head2 conflicts( )

Retrieve index entries that represent a conflict. Returns a list of
L<Git::Raw::Index::Conflict> objects.

=head2 merge( $ancestor, $theirs, $ours, [\%merge_opts] )

Merge two files as they exist in the index. C<$ancestor>, C<$theirs> and
C<$ours> should be L<Git::Raw::Index::Entry> objects. Returns a
L<Git::Raw::Merge::File::Result> object. Valid fields for the C<%merge_opts>
hash are:

=over 4

=item * "our_label"

The name of the "our" side of conflicts.

=item * "their_label"

The name of the "their" side of conflicts.

=item * "ancestor_label"

The name of the common ancestor side of conflicts.

=item * "favor"

Specify content automerging behaviour. Valid values are C<"ours">, C<"theirs">,
and C<"union">.

=item * "flags"

Merge file flags. Valid values include:

=over 8

=item * "merge"

Create standard conflicted merge file.

=item * "diff3"

Create diff3-style files.

=item * "simplify_alnum"

Condense non-alphanumeric regions for simplified diff file.



=head2 update_all( \%opts )

Update all index entries to match the working directory. Valid fields for the
C<%opts> hash are:

=over 4

=item * "paths"

List of path patterns to add.

=item * "notification"

The callback to be called for each updated item. Receives the C<$path> and
matching C<$pathspec>. This callback should return C<0> if the file should be
added to the index, C<E<gt>0> if it should be skipped or C<E<lt>0> to abort.


=head2 capabilities( )

Retrieve the index's capabilities. Returns a hash with members C<"ignore_case">,
C<"no_filemode"> and C<"no_symlinks">, each indicating if the L<Git::Raw::Index>
supports the capability.

=head1 AUTHOR

Alessandro Ghedini <>

Jacques Germishuys <>


Copyright 2012 Alessandro Ghedini.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.


1; # End of Git::Raw::Index