0.1.4   2013-04-23

    [ FEATURE ]      
    * Add D::Z::P::NameFromDirectory because it's really useful

    [ TESTS ]
    * This is a personal module, I don't need to test it on every perl version ever

0.1.3   2013-01-16

    [ BUGFIX ]      
    * A minimum year of 2010 forces Perl v5.12 - which is not my intention.

0.1.2   2012-09-18

    [ BUGFIX ]      
    * Correctly specify minimum_perl version as a v-string.

0.1.1   2012-09-17

    [ FEATURE ]      
    * Add D::Z::P::PrereqsClean defaulting to perl v5.10
        Perl v5.10 is the minimum version I can reasonably support

    * Add D::Z::P::MinimumPrereqs defaulting to 2010
        This is the year Perl v5.12 was released

0.1.0   2012-06-11

    ** First Public Release **

    * Added Documentation

    [ TESTS ]
    * Added Test Suite

0.0.1   2012-06-10

    ** First Draft **