0.5 2017-05-15
  * incrementing number so cpan will pull it properly
0.4 2017-05-10
  * Removed regex \C check to support newer perls
  * Removed perl 5.16 requirement
  * Corrected JSON::Tiny call to be compatible with > 0.53
  * Random housekeeping after maintainership switch
0.3 2014-04-04
  * Tidy up some pod
  * use App::Basis::Config to hold targets
  * use proper GELF format in line with http://www.graylog2.org/gelf#specs
  * generated API.pm from the swagger docs from http://my_graylog_server:12900/api-browser
0.2 2014-03-20 
  * extra release as cpan rejected 0.1
0.1 2014-03-20 
  * initial CPAN release