0.1.7   2016-01-19

    [ BUG FIX ]
    * Added LWP::Protocol::https as a prereq. It's technically only a plugin,
      which I didn't realise, so some testers are failing it due to not having
      https support.

0.1.6   2016-01-18

    [ BUG FIX ]
    * Fix /both/ parts of the dist to use https. The makealongerlink method need
      to do this too.

0.1.5   2016-01-13

    [ BUG FIX ]
    * Fix the git.io URL to use https

0.1.4   2013-10-24

    [ BUG FIX ]
    * Fix failing tests as API has again changed without notice

0.1.3   2012-08-07

    [ BUG FIX ]
    * Fix module to work with the updated git.io API
      GitHub didn't announce, or document these changes...
      (James Ronan)

0.1.2   2011-11-26

    [ BUG FIX ]
    * Make sure to fail BEFORE making an HTTP request
      if the subdomain is not gist.github.com

0.1.1   2011-11-22

    [ BUG FIX ]
    * Resolved installation issue on case-sensitive file systems.

0.1.0   2011-11-22

    ** First Public Release **

    * Added Documentation

    [ TESTS ]
    * Added Test Suite

0.0.1   2011-11-22

    ** First Draft **