Revision history for Perl extension Cstools.

0.07 Thu Jul 31 19:23:36 MET DST 1997
	Error by one in Cz::Cstocs fixed -- spotted by Petr Macháèek.
	Version of Cz::Cstocs changed to 3.08.

	Czech readme added.

0.05 Fri Jul 11 13:41:43 MET DST 1997
	Namespace Cz:: at CPAN officially registered and the modules
	named Cz::Cstocs and Cz::Sort.

	The functions exported by Cz::Sort are now czsort and czcmp.

	Cz::Cstocs (and cstocs) version is 3.07. Program cstocs now
	does the #! substitution when installed using make.

0.03 Sun Jul  6 20:41:47 MET DST 1997
	Cstocs is version 3.06. Fixed the problem with handling long

	Cssort version 0.62. Now implemented through cscmp function
	that compares two scalars.

0.02 Wed Jun 18 16:13:20 MET DST 1997
	First version released. Contains Cstocs and Cssort modules.

	Cstocs is version 3.03, Cssort version 0.6.

0.01 Sun Jun 15 13:33:44 MET DST 1997
	First Perl version.