Revision history for Perl extension Net::Canopy::BAM.

0.04 Fri Oct 21 23:46:00 2010
 - Changed unknown-45 and unknown-46 to reflect their
   use as verification and confirmation packets

0.03 Mon May 03 11:34:52 2010
 - Forgot to specify required libraries in Makefile.PL.
   This triggered warnings from CPAN autotester.

0.02  Mon May 03 00:36:32 2010
  - Fixed improper formatting of sequence number as decimal
    instead of hex number. Thanks to for 
    spotting this bug and providing the fix.

0.01  Fri Jul 18 23:21:44 2008
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-X Net::Canopy::BAM