Revision history for Perl module App::MojoSlides

0.08 2013-11-10
  - fixed ms_overlay bug preventing more than 9 increments
  - column can now take an array reference of classes

0.07 2013-11-10
  - added finally key for further flexibility
  - added more diagnostics for some Heisenbugs seen on CPANTesters for v0.06

0.06 2013-11-06
  - renamed msOverlay attribute to ms_overlay for case-invariance (html compliance)
  - added "incremental" helper, especially useful for building incrementing lists

0.05 2013-11-05
  - added vspace helper
  - handle msOverlay with a single number correctly
  - added extra_css and extra_js config keys
  - added header_template and footer_template config keys

0.04 2013-11-03
  - Simplified specification of slides in configuration.

0.03 2013-11-03
  - Include App::MojoSlides::MoreTagHelpers.
  - Better mocking of DATA handle.

0.02 2013-11-02
  - Can use a __DATA__ section of the config file for slides.

0.01 2013-11-02
  - Alpha release. You have been warned.