Revision history for Perl module Mojo-Phantom

0.11 2018-02-13
  - Protect against changes to Mojo::IOLoop::Delay->catch

0.10 2017-10-28
  - Protect against changes to Mojo::IOLoop::Delay->catch
  - Note that upstream phantomjs is now abandoned

0.09 2016-03-15
  - reinstate correct Build.PL (really, again)

0.08 2016-03-15
  - Fix use of deprecated Mojo::Util functions
    - Bump Mojolicious dependency to 7.15

0.07 2016-12-08
  - reinstate correct Build.PL (yes again)

0.06 2016-12-08
  - Add ability to pass command line arguments to the phantom process (Eckankar)

0.05 2016-06-07
  - reinstate correct Build.PL

0.04 2016-06-07
  - added ability to use alternate executable via exe attribute (plicease)
  - added no_exit option (plicease)
  - added console output redirection to TAP stream as note scoped by note_console option (plicease)
  - explicitly depend on Test2 for our tests, not yet using Test2 directly though

0.03 2015-07-12
  - Fix some failing tests on older perls by monkey-patching die into CORE:: if necessary

0.02 2015-05-30
  - Fix Build.PL where phantomjs is missing

0.01 2015-05-30
  - Initial release