Revision history for Perl module Test-Mojo-Role-PSGI
0.07 2018-12-10
- Bump required version of Role::Tiny to Mojo's requirement (manwar)
- Bump required version of Mojolicious::Plugin::MountPSGI for misc fixes (eserte)
0.06 2018-12-10
- Remove recommendation of Test::Mojo::WithRoles
- Bump Mojolicious dependecy to 7.42 for role handling
0.05 2015-11-17
- Added more realistic Catalyst tests (nicomen)
- Bump verion of MountPSGI to 0.07 (request body handling)
0.04 2015-11-15
- Added Catalyst tests (if available) (nicomen)
- Bump verion of MountPSGI to 0.05 (delayed/streaming)
0.03 2015-06-06
- Fix a typo in cpanfile
0.02 2015-06-03
- Now a little more flexible in what is accepted as a psgi app
- Bump version of MountPSGI to 0.04
0.01 2015-06-03
- Initial release