0.02  - on 5.6.1, t/chains.t tried to use unsupported DD methods,
	yielding test failures.  Theyre now only called for 5.8
      - fix double plan() in t/speed.t
	this and above reported by Barbie <missbarbell@ >
      - t/speed.t now uses Test::Benchmark, has old tests as fallback
      - Reworked POD, based on feedback from <mark@summersault.com>
      - added autoprint
      - added use-time print-style control
      - added pp() and dump() methods
0.01    released Wed, 03 Dec 2003 18:50:34 GMT
	pod tweaks, more tests, fixed exposed bugs

0.01_02 after consult with Module-Authors ML:
	renamed to Data::Dumper::EasyOO

0.01_01 started as Data::Dumper::Functor on Nov 29 12:32