
	Stripped filename from test in t/warns (failed on windows,
	 apparently due to path separator).
	Export 'import' along with 'new', so aliased reimports work too;
	 tested by reimport.t reimport-alias.t
	CPANTS'ers, please test so I can push out 0.05 soon.

	Added ezdump(), and export both it and $ezdump (the object
	 ezdump() uses) by default into callers pkg.
	Simplified Synopsis, moved previous to FULL-FEATURED EXAMPLE.
	Both are based upon more feedback from <markstos@cpan.org>


	Refactored new() to minimize closure size, and call a private
	 sub (anonymous subref held in a myvar) instead.
	Simplified t/autoprint a lot using Test::Output, and also
	 boosted test coverage by doing so. (Shawn Sorichetti, nice module!)
	pod & test tweaks, various other bits I cant remember.


	fixed some skips to skip the right number
	tweaks and tests to boost Devel::Cover numbers
	added multiple init variables
	added t/emulate.t


      - wholesale POD redo, with benefit of time and distance, I could
	better appreciate feedback from <mark@summersault.com>
      - speed test now skipped unless passed a true arg
      - code tweaks to improve test coverage
      - better autoprint tests
      - a few additional warnings, useoptions tests

0.04_01 Sat Jan  1 19:55:33 MST 2005 (detect a pattern here?)

      - yay - I have a user!, with a patch!!
	chocolate.boy@email.com sent a clean fix for the __SA__ hack.
      - various minor test fixes, doc tweaks
	changed diags to pass, to de-clutter test output
      - warning tests are heavily reliant on Test::Warn
      - a couple tests break under 5.00504 - due to modules.
	I just dont have diligence to upgrade my 5.00504 installation
	to correct all these use-time failures. No *real* breakages
      - one particular test annoyance:
	I get: print() on closed filehandle $fh at lib/Data/Dumper/EasyOO.pm
	just b4 test expecting that errmsg passes.  I cant suppress
	it.  That 5.5.4 doesnt have warnings.pm further limits my options.

0.03	Christmas/Kwanzaa!  Thu Dec 25 22:42:57 MST 2003

      - new() is now also a copy constructor, ie: $ez2 = $ez1->new()
      - autoprint.t fixes for WinXP. THANKS! <randy@theoryx5.winnipeg.ca>,
	and for cygwin (somewhat simplistically - \r\n is FS dependent too)

0.03_01 Wed, 24 Dec 2003 05:53:55 GMT

      - import (init => \our $userEzDD) constructs an EzDD object into
	the supplied variable (carps if defined $var)
      - autoprint.t #9 check of $! was linux specific, now handles
	Solaris too, reported by <mthurn@xcgma001.northgrum.com>. Others TBD. 
	Also changed some quoting to qq{} for less platform dependence.

0.02	Mon Dec 22 06:07:45 2003 UTC

      - on 5.6.1, t/chains.t tried to use unsupported DD methods,
	yielding test failures.  Theyre now only called for 5.8
      - fix double plan() in t/speed.t
	this and above reported by Barbie <missbarbell@easynet.co.uk>
      - t/speed.t now uses Test::Benchmark, has old tests as fallback
      - Reworked POD, based on feedback from <mark@summersault.com>
      - added autoprint, which prints when called in void context
      - added use-time print-style control
      - added pp() and dump() methods
0.01    released Wed, 03 Dec 2003 18:50:34 GMT
	pod tweaks, more tests, fixed exposed bugs

0.01_02 after consult with Module-Authors ML:
	renamed to Data::Dumper::EasyOO

0.01_01 started as Data::Dumper::Functor on Nov 29 12:32