Revision history for Perl extension Win32::Process.

0.15  Wed Dec 4 2013
        - Add LICENSE section to the POD (RT #41182).
	- Fix required perl version 5.6 -> 5.006.
	- Add Github repo link to META.yml

0.14  Wed Jul 02 2008

        - Re-insert "require Win32" statement in Makefile.PL.  There
	  are Cygwin perl versions that don't have Win32CORE statically

0.13  Fri Jun 13 2008

	- Get rid of the "require Win32" statement in Makefile.PL.

	  constants (not exported by default).

	- Use T_BOOL instead of T_IV for BOOL typemap entry so that
	  the code doesn't warn on undef.

0.12  Tue Apr 15 2008

	- version 0.12 for separate upload to CPAN

	- simplified Makefile.PL

	- added META.yml and ppport.h

	- fixed typemap for Win64

0.11  Wed May 17 2006

	- add WINAPI calling convention to LPSetProcessAffinityMask typedef

0.10  Thu Sep 1 2005

	- add get_Win32_IPC_HANDLE() method for Win32::IPC compatibility
	  (Christopher J. Madsen)

	- add STILL_ACTIVE constant for GetExitCode()
	  (suggested by Michael Ellery)

	- add GetCurrentProcessID() for cygwin
	  (Reini Urban <>)

	- Win32::Process::Open() now records the process ID correctly
	  for GetProcessID().  It also creates handle now that can be
	  used with the Wait() method. (Christopher Allan)

	- make it work with the latest cygwin version
	  remove USING_WIDE() codepaths (Jan Dubois)

0.09  Fri Aug 17 16:11:58 2001

	- allow opening an existing pid, like OpenProcess() (thanks to
	  Blair Zajac <>)

0.08  Tue Dec 26 2000

	- make sure the environment is correctly inherited by the new
	  process.  Only implemented in non-Unicode branch!
	  (by Jan Dubois <>)

0.07  Mon May 22 21:45:19 2000

	- support for passing Unicode strings to methods (thanks to
	  Doug Lankshear <>)

0.06  Sat Sep 25 15:33:29 1999

	- added GetProcessID() and KillProcess() (suggested by
	  Sherwin Kartick <>)

0.05  Thr Oct  1 1998 16:58:24

	- Changed SetProcessAffinityMask to be dynalinked
	  same build runs on NT and 95.

0.04  Sun May 10 1998 20:35:29

	- SetProcessAffinityMask() is not available on Win95, protect
	  it with an #ifdef and supply separate binary

0.03  Fri Feb  6 1998 11:07:35

	- Removed unnecessary references to AutoLoader & Win32::IPC

	- Simplified the AUTOLOAD and constant() functions

	- Added get_process_handle for communication with Win32::IPC 1.00

	- contributed by Christopher J. Madsen <>

0.02  Sun Dec 14 06:01:44 1997

	- added [GS]etProcessAffinityMask(), contributed by
	  Ricardo E. Gonzalez <>

0.01  Sat Apr  5 14:25:02 1997
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18