Changelog for MarpaX-Database-Terminfo

0.003 2013-08-08T16:56:33
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - CopyFilesFromBuild / README.pod
 - Quicker regexp

0.002 2013-08-08T11:49:51
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - v0.002
    [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
    - Remove Log::Log4perl from t/ncurses.t
    - Backskashed three octal digits
    - Escape characters fix: escape char is ^, and there is a fixed list of
      allowed backslashed characters
    - use terminfo.src from ncurses-5.9
    - SEE ALSO section
    - Favor README.pod instead of
    - ncurses.t
    - Ncurses extension, escapes comma, move everything to G1
 - Remove Log::Log4perl from t/ncurses.t
 - Backskashed three octal digits
 - Escape characters fix: escape char is ^, and there is a fixed list of
   allowed backslashed characters
 - use terminfo.src from ncurses-5.9
 - SEE ALSO section
 - Favor README.pod instead of
 - ncurses.t
 - Ncurses extension, escapes comma, move everything to G1

0.001 2013-08-07T09:54:41
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - v0.001
    [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
    - Add README.pod
    - Initial Changes and META.json
    - Corrected  .gitignore
    - Removed non needed use Data::Dumper
    - Updated test
    - Doc
    - test unit from HP man page
    - Renamed main.t to test1.t
    - Add spaces to MAXMATCH stuff
    - No need of character class InSeparator
    - space optional after comma at longname lookahead
    - lookahead of comma to longname
    - First version
    - Initial commit
    [jddurand <>]
    - Initial commit
 - Add README.pod
 - Initial Changes and META.json
 - Corrected  .gitignore
 - Removed non needed use Data::Dumper
 - Updated test
 - Doc
 - test unit from HP man page
 - Renamed main.t to test1.t
 - Add spaces to MAXMATCH stuff
 - No need of character class InSeparator
 - space optional after comma at longname lookahead
 - lookahead of comma to longname
 - First version
 - Initial commit

 [jddurand <>]
 - Initial commit