Changelog for MarpaX-ESLIF-ECMA404
0.013 2020-03-05T06:28:54
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- ESLIF/ Instanciate correct json interface only on demand
- dev+
0.012 2019-06-13T20:31:54
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- Use terminal events for discard
0.011 2019-06-09T13:43:58
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- Optimizations
0.010 2018-01-30T18:29:03
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- use MarpaX::ESLIF 2.0.34
- .appveyor.yml [ci skip]
- .appveyor.yml
0.009 2018-01-25T16:25:20
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- use MarpaX::ESLIF 2.0.33
0.008 2018-01-19T04:36:54
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- MarpaX::ESLIF Version 2.0.32 changes some of the i_* results, basically
yells in the input have malformed characters: the standard says nothing
about that and the JSONTestSuite is correctly saying this is parser
specific, they are allowed to accept or not the input. We do not accept
corrupted input in character mode (else we would have gone to binary
mode and handle the failures)
0.007 2017-07-04T17:49:11
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- Fix RecognizerInterface POD
- elements action bug fix
- dist.ini: t/test_transform as byte files
- Added t/test_transform [ci skip]
0.006 2017-06-01T04:08:55
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- t/test.t: forces UTF-8 in some cases just to please tests with old
versions of perl [ci skip]
- ECMA404/ Added an eval because of old perls that does
not like some unicode characters e.g. U+0x10ffff [ci skip]
- t/test.t: renaming of a variable from want_ok to want_ko to avoid
confusion -; [ci skip]
0.005 2017-05-31T19:58:00
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- use MarpaX::ESLIF 2.0.13 [ci skip]
0.004 2017-05-31T18:50:33
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- ECMA404/ POD fix [ci skip]
- ESLIF/ POD typo
- dist.ini: encoding bytes for t/test_parsing/*.json
- t/test.c: Completely comment $log dependency [ci skip]
- POD for disallow_dupkeys [ci skip]
- t/test.t: commented Log::Log4perl dependency [ci skip]
- Pass all options to the value interface, Support of disallow_dupkeys
option [ci skip]
- Pass all options to the recognizer interface [ci skip]
- Removed del_character option by restriction cntrl to unicode
speficication, POD [ci skip]
- Option del_character, removed from cntrl as per RFC7159 [ci skip]
- allow inf and nan in tests [ci skip]
- trailing_separator, inf, nan and cntrl options [ci skip]
- ESLIF/ grammar reorg + nan/inf fix [ci skip]
- t/test.c: raise max_depth to 500 [ci skip]
- Encoding information from the user, eventually [ci skip]
- t/test.t: use test_parsing as a directory of json files [ci skip]
- For unicode, use replacement character 0xFFFD if chr() fails [ci skip]
- bignumber, number fix, more tests [ci skip]
- max_depth extension [ci skip]
- unlimited_commas, perl_comment and cplusplus_comment options [ci skip]
- ECMA404/ cosmetic changes
- ECMA404/ few internal op
- UTF-16 surrotage pair anywhere in \u sequence fix
- UTF-16 surrotage pair support: removed a debug print statement -;
- UTF-16 surrotage pair support
- t/test.t: Added a test with \u character
- Prepare for upcoming MarpaX::ESLIF 2.0.12: hide-separator + perl
- t/test.t: sort tests for ease of comparisons
- true and false must return perl's true and false values, respectively
- ESLIF/ Fix link for perl license
- README.pod: Fix link for perl license
- README.pod: =for html placement
0.003 2017-05-15T04:36:41
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- dist.ini: Switch from ReadmeFromPod to ReadmeAnyFromPod
0.002 2017-05-15T04:17:06
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- dist.ini: version regexp
- dzil xtest
- Use MarpaX::ESLIF 2.0.9
- json_decode is now decode_json dev+
- dev+
- .gitignore fix v2 [ci skip]
- .gitignore fix [ci skip]
- dist.ini: Fix for README.pod [ci skip]
- ESLIF/ POD fix [ci skip]
- .gitignore: more in a perl section [ci skip]
- t/test.t: ok and ko tests [ci skip]
- travis again - sudo cpanm --notest Test::EOL Test::Kwalitee Test::NoTabs
Test::Pod::Coverage dev+
- travis again - dzil authordeps should be before dzil listdeps
- travis again - dzil authordeps --missing
- travis again - dzil listdeps --omit-core `perl -e print $];`
- travis again - added install for t dependencies dev+
- travis again - language: perl fails by default... dev+
- travis again - back to my stuff only - travis-ci-helpers never sees my
own installs do not know why dev+
- travis again - do both my stuff and travis-ci-helpers dev+
- travis again - trying to put Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::RJBS in [Prereqs
/ DevelopRequires] dev+
- travis again dev+
- travis - need travis-perl-helpers in before_install anyway dev+
- travis - back to my own version... cpan-install
Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::RJBS installed but dzil test says it is not
(!?) dev+
- travis - added cpan-install Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::RJBS dev+
- travis - added cpan-install Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::RJBS dev+
- travis - trying travis-perl-helpers dev+
- travis dev+
- Travis trial
- Cosmetic changes [ci skip]
0.001 2017-05-13T07:20:39
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- Use MarpaX::ESLIF 2.0.9
- json_decode is now decode_json dev+
- dev+
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- .gitignore fix v2 [ci skip]
- .gitignore fix [ci skip]
- dist.ini: Fix for README.pod [ci skip]
- ESLIF/ POD fix [ci skip]
- .gitignore: more in a perl section [ci skip]
- t/test.t: ok and ko tests [ci skip]
- travis again - sudo cpanm --notest Test::EOL Test::Kwalitee Test::NoTabs
Test::Pod::Coverage dev+
- travis again - dzil authordeps should be before dzil listdeps
- travis again - dzil authordeps --missing
- travis again - dzil listdeps --omit-core `perl -e print $];`
- travis again - added install for t dependencies dev+
- travis again - language: perl fails by default... dev+
- travis again - back to my stuff only - travis-ci-helpers never sees my
own installs do not know why dev+
- travis again - do both my stuff and travis-ci-helpers dev+
- travis again - trying to put Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::RJBS in [Prereqs
/ DevelopRequires] dev+
- travis again dev+
- travis - need travis-perl-helpers in before_install anyway dev+
- travis - back to my own version... cpan-install
Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::RJBS installed but dzil test says it is not
(!?) dev+
- travis - added cpan-install Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::RJBS dev+
- travis - added cpan-install Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::RJBS dev+
- travis - trying travis-perl-helpers dev+
- travis dev+
- Travis trial
- Cosmetic changes [ci skip]