Changelog for MarpaX-Languages-C-AST
0.07 2013-06-02T17:37:25
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- oups back
v0.06 2013-06-02T17:33:00
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- Closer to DAGOLDEN
v0.05 2013-06-02T17:12:10
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- Removed non needed, this also allow to have a clean tag, but
Dist::Zilla perturbed a bit the followup of tag v.s. official releases
v0.04 2013-06-02T17:03:14
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- Uncommentedd UploadToCPAN
- Remove dist.ini from allow_dirty, Added back commented [FakeRelease]
- New CPAN release of MarpaX-Languages-C-AST - v0.04
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- Added META.json and README.pod to .gitignore
- Add .build to .gitignore
- Dist:Zilla version
- Removed
- Removed README boilerplate
- Remove given/when: warnings on perl5.18
- Better readibility
- Added META.json and README.pod to .gitignore
- Add .build to .gitignore
- Dist:Zilla version
- Removed
- Removed README boilerplate
- Remove given/when: warnings on perl5.18
- Better readibility
v0.03 2013-05-30T19:12:07
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- v0.03
- Synopsis made readable
- Removed
- Move atomic stuff to example since the grammar does not have pb with it
(historically c2011 draft had an ambiguity between atomic as type
specifier and type qualifier)
- Updated test file to follow logging that now have a context free string
- Use given/when, log the context (lexeme, event)
- MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.10.0'
- Fix under taint mode
- Preview of changes for 0.03
- My own version of changes.t
- Cosmetic reorder in _doLexeme()
- Revisited lexeme and events processing
- Again manifest.t
Revisited any-OS (well, Windows) support
- Back to quasi-original manifest.t
- TODO list, currently contains only PERHAPS items
- Revisited log mechanism and inspectG1
- Better log
- examples/
- Variable name convention fix
- Correct parameters to findInProgress()
- No (not-needed) $lhs nor [@rhs] in $matchesp
- findInProgressShort and g1Describe helper methods
- Return list of [$ruleId, $dotPosition, $origin, $lhs, [@rhs]] that
- Force Marpa::R2 in addition to the test in Makefile.PL
- Fix rc=1 if anything was requested /and/ matched
- Typo in a comment
- Removed perl version dependency
- Removed duplicate BUILD_REQUIRES
- Removed non-needed Module::Info requirement
- Removed use perl 5.006
- Added use warnings
- Updated methods docs
- Updated methods docs
- Fixed typos in the doc
- Marpa::R2 2.056000 official release dependency
- Add ruleid and origin in findinprogress
- Forgot 0.02 Changes update
v0.02 2013-05-21T22:39:50
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- Bumped to version 0.02
- Fixed synopsis
- Add repository to META_MERGE
- Say what this module is not
- Move to Storage (core module) instead of Clone
v0.01 2013-05-21T12:19:33
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- Add package tarballs to .gitignore
- test blessed structure result
- Oups, removed a Data::Dumper call
- No more untaint and if-if-else ambiguity solving
- Fix t/Grammar/synposis.t on Win32
- Precisions in the POD for read method
- Untaint the grammar when reading it, use core IO::File instead of
- Simplified new()
- Fixed synopsis
- Renamed if-then-else.t to if-if-else.t
- use Marpa::R2 2.055_003
- Fix output v.s. arrayOfValuesb
- Possiblity to return all values
- Fix some POD sections
- Hmm, I messed up last commit logs - let's restart from here
- if-then-else test
Fixed some SEE ALSO sections
- Few fixes and global t/synopsis.t file for the whole package
- Log::Any wrapper on top of Marpa
- Added $grammar->list() method
- Grammar test files and implementation on top of Marpa
- Use $log
Remove __DATA__
- MarpaX::Languages::C::AST::Grammar package
Fixes for newest Test::More
- Scope synopsis test
- Scope module
- Initial commit