
0.45 2015-01-28T21:15:47
 [Ben Bullock <>]
 - indent the heredocument part of the code correctly

 [Ivan Baidakou <>]
 - Fix issue with shared dir

 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - perlcritic
 - perlcritic.rc: allow_includes
 - bin/c2ast: remove mention of cpretty
 - xpath/declaration2declarator.xpath: unused
 - t/scan.t: handle different cpp behaviours v.s. space
 - bin/cscan: --lazy, --typedef and --enum options
 - bin/c2ast: Removed unnecessary use File::ShareDir::ProjectDistDir
 - bin/c2ast: Removed all experimental stuff with Template
 - Impl/ github issue #9 with latest Log::Any
 - bin/cdecl: move print of STDOUT/STDERR before the exit
 - bin/cscan: enumType default is int
 - bin/cscan: better handling of C::Scan returned object type
 - replae method: dev+
 - Scan/ fix very last action
 - AST/ fix POD error
 - In nocpp init phase, fix read of buffer
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ nocpp option, pass other options as-is to
   AST->new(), do not call all methods systematically
 - Grammar/ Fixed an error in labeledStatement
   introduced when adding gcc extension case A ... B
 - bin/cscan: show that file argument is optional in the help
 - bin/cdecl: wrapper around bin/cscan
 - bin/cscan: automatic - for last argument if nothing left and no --in
   option, mention cdecl in the help
 - cdecl test suite
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ _readFunctionArgs() should always return $last
 - cdecl: _readToId() need sometimes to distinguish stack up to the first
   declarator and later
 - bin/cscan: fix test of filename v.s. filesystem case tolerance
 - bin/cscan: fix default --filter option value
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ fix eventual crash with fc()
 - --filter default option value is basename of last argument
 - xpath/enumerators.xpath: list of all enumerators
 - cdecl: enum support
 - bin/cscan: --enumType option
 - cdecl: struct fixes
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ dev+ on embedded definitions - almost done -;
 - cdecl: reduction
 - xpath/missingIdentifier.xpath: xpath fix
 - Grammar/ unhide single SEMICOLON lexeme in case of
   empty declaration
 - Scan/ getRuleDescription() method
 - missingIdentifier: better solution using xpath, IMHO -;
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ fake identifiers dev+
 - xpath/missingIdentifier.xpath: fake identifiers dev+
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ log improvement
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ ellipsis and comma fixes
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ restoring commas dev+
 - xpath/missingComma.xpath: xpath to recover commas removed by Marpa's
   separator keyword: cdecl relies on it
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ revert last thingy - solution is deeper
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ cdecl ellipsis fix
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ minor typos fixes
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ cdecl dev+
 - bin/cscan: add log options and support of -
 - Scan/ removed unused "use"
 - bin/cdecl: dev+
 - bin/cdecl: logging stuff
 - bin/cdecl: --input argument
 - bin/cdecl: POD fixes
 - dev+
 - xslt/perl5: dev+
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ _getNodeFile becomes back _pushNodeFile and can
   automatically set the file attribute
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ renamed _pushNodeFile to _getNodeFile
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ _pushNodeFile fix
 - bin/c2bind: log as info instead of trace sometimes
 - bin/c2bind: fix POD
 - bin/c2bind: revival
 - dev+: back to TT
 - bin/c2ast: dev+ on elements values
 - bin/c2ast: dev+ on xslt dependencies
 - bin/c2ast: work on paths for xslt
 - xpath/topDeclarations.xpath: needed for C::Scan
 - bin/c2ast: dev+ for bindings
 - Grammar/ add name for lexeme default value - impact
   on test suite
 - Data/ Add endOfElement callback
 - Grammar/ add name for lexeme default value
 - bin/c2ast: reorg of used modules + Template preparation
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ say which xpath is used + topDeclarations file
 - bin/cscan: mention topDeclarations
 - t/complex_declarations.t: more complex declaration
 - Grammar/ rename gccArrayTypeModifierList to
 - t/complex_declarations.t: who knows
 - bin/c2bind: fix @ARGV a-la cscan
 - bin/c2bind: fix a comment
 - bin/c2bind prototype
 - bin/cscan: fix help
 - cosmetics
 - fdecls fixes
 - s/scan.t: typedef_structs fixes
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ typedef addons
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ vdecl addons
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ start adding file information
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ macros revisit
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ fix modification of non-creatable array value
   attempted, subscript -1
 - Getting rid of XML::Simple, finally
 - AST/ fix line and column count
 - cscan: prepare for supression of XML::Simple
 - cscan: restore some xml behaviour
 - Removed shared xsd/cscan.xsd
 - use File::ShareDir::ProjectDistDir
 - bin/cscan: Rephrasing a bit in the POD
 - bin/cscan: Removed unused asHash option
 - Method astToString and cscan
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ removed a print to STDERR
 - Grammar/ careful use of separator v.s. proper
 - typedef_texts a-la xpath
 - typedef_hash a-la xpath
 - share/xpath/xsd2fdecls.xpath: exclude path having structDeclarationList
   from fdecls candidates
 - share/xpath/xsd2fdecls.xpath: exclude TYPEDEF from fdecls candidates
 - Move to a correct solution and process the tree using XML::LibXML (until
   a Marpa XML parser -;)
 - Grammar/ forget around structContext internal rule in
   the value
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ prepare for use of Scan/
 - Grammar/ use semantics_package instead of obsolete
 - Scan/ specific Scan actions
 - C/ actionObject, nonTerminalSemantic and terminalSemantic
   arguments to grammar
 - Grammar/ added configurable action object, reworked
   internal variable names
 - Grammar/ added configurable non-terminal and terminal
   semantic actions
 - work on cscan.xsd
 - work on _pushRcp
 - share/xsd/cscan.xsd
 - merge conflict
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ typedefs_structs fix in case of opaque struct
   forward declaration
 - Grammar/ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ fix typedef_structs
 - Grammar/ allow empty externalDeclaration
 - Grammar/ allow no translation unit
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ cleaned bloated _buildContext()
 - xslt: dev+
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ fix undef args
 - Grammar/ Support of GCC case ranges
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011: Support of GCC escape ESC character
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ list fixes
 - t/struct.t: add a function declaration in struct
 - Callback/ force struct counter to have a persistence level to
   "level", add these counters to parameterDeclarationCheck
 - Callback/ added missing counters in topic data, that caused
   parse table to be processed even in struct context
 - t/struct.t: renamed misleading identifier "free" to "this"
 - t/struct.t: case that failed with 0.36-TRIAL
 - t/obscure_typedef_*style.t : change comment
 - bug fix with parameter not obscuring typedef
 - bin/c2ast: missing --trace option
 - rulesByDepth: sort by ruleId eventually
 - ruleByDepth: use rule_name and put more info the result
 - use Marpa::R2 2.081001
 - rulesByDepth
 - POD update
 - bin/c2ast: Mention '-' for STDIN usage in the POD and fix log info about
 - bin/c2ast: Support STDIN, loglevel aliases on the command-line, optional
   start (dev+), add INFO level logging to bin/c2ast
 - optional :start, dev+
 - AST/ use Marpa::R2 2.080000
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ ft can be '0', so use // instead of ||
 - Test suite and CPP different behaviour v.s. OS
 - bin/c2ast: --lazy, --typedef, --enum and --nocpp options
 - mod POD for lazy mode
 - even in lazy mode we can use typedef/enum helpers
 - type, enum and lazy options support. Preparation for start
   option support
 - AST/ added lexeme_alternative() and lexeme_complete()
 - bin/*: say that filename must be the last argument when using unknown
 - Optimization bis
 - Global optimization
 - Callback/ : optimization
 - t\delayed_directDeclaratorIdentifier.t: more tests
 - Grammar/ need for a special lexeme in
 - Scope management: delay flag should be per scope, closing a scope should
   recursively its parent if it is marked delayed
 - Callback/ delayed directDeclaratorIdentifier test
 - Callback/ fixed a vicious case where
   directDeclaratorIdentifier is not yet propagated into
 - Removed unwanted file from previous commit
 - bin/c2ast: fix pod2usage call
 - bin/cscan: pass through of arguments, fix POD output
 - Grammar/ unmask gccExtension
 - added a NOTES section
 - Removed work files
 - t/*.t: alwys call value()
 - Opaque ASM support for everything not GCC inline ASM
 - AST/ force non true space to a true space for error reporting
 - AST/ Fixed $log->fatalf() arguments
 - MASM: dev+
 - work/ dev+
 - work/MSASM.bnf: fixed end of buffer detection + use forgiving
 - work/MSASM.bnf: add end of buffer to endOfLine
 - work/MSASM.bnf: dev+
 - Revert "work/MSASM.bnf: dev+"
 - work/MSASM.bnf: :discard rule dev+
 - MSASM.bnf: dev+
 - Bump Marpa::R2 dependency to version 2.078000
 - Grammar/ use insentitive lexemes for MASM
 - Reduce the number of calls to value()
 - dist.ini: Move [OSPrereqs / MSWin32] after [MakeMaker]
 - Grammar/ ambiguity with msvsAsmType
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ Environment variables support for cpprun and
   cppflags, Shell quoting when executing the preprocessor
 - dist.ini: Win32::ShellQuote on MSWin32
 - examples/h2xs.PL : Marpa aware version
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ more protections
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ parsed_fdecls is not interested by typedef'ed
   functions declarations, prevent more undefined to be inserted
 - bin/cscan: fixed mod example, "mytype" should read "double"
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ mod is setted via an appended, its separator is
 - Removed unused blog file and dir
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ no splice if not necessary, exhibits a test
   failure under perl <= 5.14
 - bin/cscan: --in option
 - bin/cscan: --out and --err options, yet another --xpath example
 - bin/cscan: fix $xml usage confusion in source
 - bin/cscan: revisited example to find declared strings
 - bin/cscan: example for find declared strings
 - bin/cscan: say that get method are for C::Scan like methods
 - bin/cscan: removed a debugging print STDERR
 - bin/cscan: say in the abstract this is a C::Scan alternative
 - bin/cscan: no critic on the eval (bis)
 - bin/cscan: no critic on the eval
 - bin/c2ast: perlcritic
 - -> c2ast
 - say that is now c2ast
 - bin/cscan: more examples with --cppflags
 - bin/cscan: another example taking about inner anonymous types
 - bin/cscan : implementation of --xml and --xpath options
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/Scan: fix calculation of line number
 - t/scan.t: skip file/line information in tests dev+
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ line calculation dev+
 - <DATA> should be loaded once
 - bin/scan: xpath preparation
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/Scan: function type is not inherited
 - bin/cscan: generic get argument
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ original filename processing fix
 - bin/cscan: POD fix
 - bin/cscan : a very special replacement for POD not generated at run time
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ perlcritic on $_
 - t/scan.t: fix following removal of use C::Scan
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ typo that exhibits under perl <= 5.12
 - t/scan.t: remove use C::Scan
 - use #!perl for shebang (same effect as #!/usr/bin/perl but I prefer the
 - bin/ fix some POD formatting
 - cscan cmdline prototype
 - Commented C::Scan comparison in tests - too many failures
 - Yet POD fixes
 - update SYNOPSIS
 - release trial fixes
 - C::Scan cmp MarpaX::Languages::C::Scan
 - typedefs_structs test and change following before/after fix
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ : missing enum in KEY2ID and fix before/after as
   per C::SCan
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ POD fix
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/Scan: POD fixes
 - vdecl_hash test
 - vdecls test
 - typedef_texts and typedefs_maybe tests
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/Scan: sort explicitely when output is a map on hash
 - scan.t: typedef_hash test
 - scan.t: t+
 - parsed_fdecls test
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ Fix bug in _analyseDirectAbstractDeclarator,
   missing checks in _prependRcp and _appendRcp
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ Fix POD and 'ty' in parsed_fdecls in case of a
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ Fixed PURGE_IDX value, removed unused _copyRcp
 - C::Scan t+
 - C::Scan integration: t+
 - use Pod::Usage
 - say that unknown options are sent to cpp
 - import C::Scan-like module
 - Initial line number should be 1 instead of 0
 - move File::Spec->canonpath at a better place
 - use File::Spec->canonpath before file comparison
 - comment #7
 - Grammar/ Added missing priority for
 - bin/ typo in usage
 - t/gcc_extension.t: tests
 - restored (gccExtension) rhs in specifiers
 - moved misplaced (gccExtension) rhs
 - Fixed reference data
 - Remove unused event
 - Runtime optimization
 - Remove usage of clone
 - Fix show source when failure is on paused lexeme
 - use Clone instead of Storable
 - Removed unused import
 - runtime optimization
 - renamed cached ncb from _ncb to _cacheNcb
 - Avoid one internal match
 - Cases where IDENTIFIER is not ambiguous
 - Modifications as per yafce
 - runtime optimizations
 - MSVS's .type could eat C lexemes DOT and 'type'
 - Back to version with GCC extension in the grammar
 - Fix errors let by previous commit
 - Discard GCC __extension__
 - Removed unused event
 - More GCC asm tests
 - New reference data
 - Removed gccEmptyRule, Support of GCC asm goto
 - Newline stuff (Marpa i.e. unicode v.s. only \n)
 - Work on newline
 - Work on typedef priority
 - Removed ASM pause before preparation
 - GCC_ASM token can also be "asm"
 - New version of reference data
 - Support of binary constants (GCC extension)
 - __asm G1 preparation
 - _doPauseAfterLexeme renamed to ->doPauseBefore
 - <G0 anything but space> replaced by <G0 constant>
 - GCC __extension__ ony once for expression
 - GCC __extension__ cannot be in :discard
 - :discard of __extension (GCC)
 - :discard of GCC __attribute__
 - renamed
 - Move GCC __attribute__ to :discard
 - Added missing MSVS __thiscall and __clrcall to function modifier
 - Move MSVS's __inline and __forceinline into generic INLINE lexeme
 - MSVS __declspec :discard test
 - Move __declspec to :discard
 - Try to make grammer more readable (2)
 - Try to make grammer more readable
 - Add missing MSVS declspec modifiers
 - Renamed t/discard_pragma.t to t/discard_MSVS_pragma.t
 - Remove logging
 - __pragma vtordisp
 - __pragma strict_gs_check
 - __pragma setlocale
 - __pragma section
 - __pragma runtime_checks
 - __pragma region/endregion
 - __pragma pop_macro/push_macro
 - __pragma pointers_to_members
 - __pragma pack
 - __pragma optimize
 - __pragma once
 - __pragma message
 - __pragma managed/unmanaged
 - __pragma make_public
 - __pragma loop
 - __pragma intrinsic
 - __pragma inline_recursion
 - __pragma inline_depth
 - __pragma include_alias
 - __pragma hdrstop
 - __pragma function
 - __pragma fp_contract
 - __pragma float_control
 - __pragma fenv_access
 - __pragma detect_mismatch
 - __pragma deprecated
 - __pragma conform
 - __pragma component
 - __pragma comment
 - bss_seg, code_seg, const_seg and data_seg share the same syntax
 - __pragma bss_seg fixes, add __pragma check_stack
 - test pragma bss_seg
 - pragma bss_seg
 - add comments
 - pragma warning fix
 - pragma test
 - pragma fix
 - Missing statement in pragma push
 - __declspec(deprecated) fix and __pragma alloc_text, auto_inline, warning
 - Support of logInfo __ALL__ continued
 - Fix reference data
 - __ALL__ special lexeme survey support, MSVS fixes
 - Document __ALL__ --lexeme value
 - Associate user-data to typedef and enum
 - new function startAndLength
 - deref nothing, revisit few sequences
 - Return true is something found
 - Push dirty files correctly
 - typedefPerScope and enumAnyScope  accessors
 - scope object accessor
 - Fix default callback value
 - Better comment
 - Fix pod
 - v0.19
 - Call log only when its level is ok
 - Remove useless commented block
 - Remove non-needed events
 - Tiny optimization
 - v0.18
 - c2ast cc replacement example
 - stack based version as per jeffreykegler
 - Tiny optimisations
 - Tiny optimisation
 - --logstderr option
 - Fix doc
 - Remove non-needed use Config
 - Promote STRING_LITERAL_UNIT as lexeme
 - Remember logInfo parameter so that we do not log more than was it
 - Fix logInfo parameter
 - Trying to fix Changes content, some dirty things will lay out forever it
 - v0.17
 - typo in regexp
 - v0.16
 - Optimisations (ter)
 - v0.15
 - Lasy commit just to have git cached connection for dzil release
 - v0.14
 - Limit calls to last_completed
 - Fix format pull request #2
 - Ambiguity because of gcc
 - Doc update
 - Optimisations

 [Jeffrey Kegler <>]
 - Revise --cppfile help

 [jddurand <>]
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ _classifyNode: do not rely on node adress when
   eating nodes
 - bin/cdecl: use IPC::Cmd for portability until I find another way

0.44 2015-01-21T20:34:05
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - t/scan.t: handle different cpp behaviours v.s. space

0.43 2015-01-19T19:48:56
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - bin/cscan: --lazy, --typedef and --enum options
 - bin/c2ast: Removed unnecessary use File::ShareDir::ProjectDistDir

0.42 2015-01-07T21:00:30
 [Ivan Baidakou <>]
 - Fix issue with shared dir

 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - bin/c2ast: Removed all experimental stuff with Template
 - Impl/ github issue #9 with latest Log::Any
 - bin/cdecl: move print of STDOUT/STDERR before the exit
 - bin/cscan: enumType default is int
 - bin/cscan: better handling of C::Scan returned object type
 - replae method: dev+
 - Scan/ fix very last action
 - AST/ fix POD error
 - In nocpp init phase, fix read of buffer
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ nocpp option, pass other options as-is to
   AST->new(), do not call all methods systematically
 - Grammar/ Fixed an error in labeledStatement
   introduced when adding gcc extension case A ... B

 [jddurand <>]
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ _classifyNode: do not rely on node adress when
   eating nodes
 - bin/cdecl: use IPC::Cmd for portability until I find another way

0.41 2014-12-04T06:53:33
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - bin/cscan: show that file argument is optional in the help
 - bin/cdecl: wrapper around bin/cscan
 - bin/cscan: automatic - for last argument if nothing left and no --in
   option, mention cdecl in the help
 - cdecl test suite
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ _readFunctionArgs() should always return $last
 - cdecl: _readToId() need sometimes to distinguish stack up to the first
   declarator and later
 - bin/cscan: fix test of filename v.s. filesystem case tolerance
 - bin/cscan: fix default --filter option value
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ fix eventual crash with fc()
 - --filter default option value is basename of last argument
 - xpath/enumerators.xpath: list of all enumerators
 - cdecl: enum support
 - bin/cscan: --enumType option
 - cdecl: struct fixes
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ dev+ on embedded definitions - almost done -;
 - cdecl: reduction
 - xpath/missingIdentifier.xpath: xpath fix
 - Grammar/ unhide single SEMICOLON lexeme in case of
   empty declaration
 - Scan/ getRuleDescription() method
 - missingIdentifier: better solution using xpath, IMHO -;
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ fake identifiers dev+
 - xpath/missingIdentifier.xpath: fake identifiers dev+
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ log improvement
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ ellipsis and comma fixes
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ restoring commas dev+
 - xpath/missingComma.xpath: xpath to recover commas removed by Marpa's
   separator keyword: cdecl relies on it
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ revert last thingy - solution is deeper
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ cdecl ellipsis fix
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ minor typos fixes
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ cdecl dev+
 - bin/cscan: add log options and support of -
 - Scan/ removed unused "use"
 - bin/cdecl: dev+
 - bin/cdecl: logging stuff
 - bin/cdecl: --input argument
 - bin/cdecl: POD fixes
 - dev+
 - xslt/perl5: dev+
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ _getNodeFile becomes back _pushNodeFile and can
   automatically set the file attribute
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ renamed _pushNodeFile to _getNodeFile
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ _pushNodeFile fix
 - bin/c2bind: log as info instead of trace sometimes
 - bin/c2bind: fix POD
 - bin/c2bind: revival
 - dev+: back to TT
 - bin/c2ast: dev+ on elements values
 - bin/c2ast: dev+ on xslt dependencies
 - bin/c2ast: work on paths for xslt
 - xpath/topDeclarations.xpath: needed for C::Scan
 - bin/c2ast: dev+ for bindings
 - Grammar/ add name for lexeme default value - impact
   on test suite
 - Data/ Add endOfElement callback
 - Grammar/ add name for lexeme default value
 - bin/c2ast: reorg of used modules + Template preparation
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ say which xpath is used + topDeclarations file
 - bin/cscan: mention topDeclarations
 - t/complex_declarations.t: more complex declaration
 - Grammar/ rename gccArrayTypeModifierList to
 - t/complex_declarations.t: who knows
 - bin/c2bind: fix @ARGV a-la cscan
 - bin/c2bind: fix a comment
 - bin/c2bind prototype
 - bin/cscan: fix help
 - cosmetics
 - fdecls fixes
 - s/scan.t: typedef_structs fixes
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ typedef addons
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ vdecl addons
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ start adding file information
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ macros revisit
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ fix modification of non-creatable array value
   attempted, subscript -1
 - Getting rid of XML::Simple, finally
 - AST/ fix line and column count
 - cscan: prepare for supression of XML::Simple
 - cscan: restore some xml behaviour
 - Removed shared xsd/cscan.xsd
 - use File::ShareDir::ProjectDistDir
 - bin/cscan: Rephrasing a bit in the POD
 - bin/cscan: Removed unused asHash option

0.40 2014-11-11T00:18:39
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Method astToString and cscan
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ removed a print to STDERR
 - Grammar/ careful use of separator v.s. proper
 - dev+
 - typedef_texts a-la xpath
 - typedef_hash a-la xpath
 - share/xpath/xsd2fdecls.xpath: exclude path having structDeclarationList
   from fdecls candidates
 - share/xpath/xsd2fdecls.xpath: exclude TYPEDEF from fdecls candidates
 - Move to a correct solution and process the tree using XML::LibXML (until
   a Marpa XML parser -;)
 - Grammar/ forget around structContext internal rule in
   the value
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ prepare for use of Scan/
 - Grammar/ use semantics_package instead of obsolete
 - Scan/ specific Scan actions
 - C/ actionObject, nonTerminalSemantic and terminalSemantic
   arguments to grammar
 - Grammar/ added configurable action object, reworked
   internal variable names
 - Grammar/ added configurable non-terminal and terminal
   semantic actions
 - work on cscan.xsd
 - work on _pushRcp
 - share/xsd/cscan.xsd
 - merge conflict
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ typedefs_structs fix in case of opaque struct
   forward declaration

0.39 2014-11-05T07:02:35
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Grammar/ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ fix typedef_structs
 - Grammar/ allow empty externalDeclaration
 - Grammar/ allow no translation unit
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ cleaned bloated _buildContext()
 - xslt: dev+
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ fix undef args
 - Grammar/ Support of GCC case ranges
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011: Support of GCC escape ESC character

0.38 2014-11-03T18:48:27
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ list fixes

0.37 2014-03-08T08:36:27
 [Ben Bullock <>]
 - indent the heredocument part of the code correctly

 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - t/struct.t: add a function declaration in struct
 - Callback/ force struct counter to have a persistence level to
   "level", add these counters to parameterDeclarationCheck
 - Callback/ added missing counters in topic data, that caused
   parse table to be processed even in struct context
 - t/struct.t: renamed misleading identifier "free" to "this"
 - t/struct.t: case that failed with 0.36-TRIAL
 - t/obscure_typedef_*style.t : change comment
 - bug fix with parameter not obscuring typedef
 - bin/c2ast: missing --trace option
 - rulesByDepth: sort by ruleId eventually
 - ruleByDepth: use rule_name and put more info the result
 - use Marpa::R2 2.081001
 - rulesByDepth
 - dev+
 - POD update

0.36 2014-02-23T11:43:02
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - bin/c2ast: Mention '-' for STDIN usage in the POD and fix log info about
 - bin/c2ast: Support STDIN, loglevel aliases on the command-line, optional
   start (dev+), add INFO level logging to bin/c2ast
 - optional :start, dev+
 - AST/ use Marpa::R2 2.080000
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ ft can be '0', so use // instead of ||
 - Test suite and CPP different behaviour v.s. OS
 - bin/c2ast: --lazy, --typedef, --enum and --nocpp options
 - mod POD for lazy mode
 - even in lazy mode we can use typedef/enum helpers
 - type, enum and lazy options support. Preparation for start
   option support
 - AST/ added lexeme_alternative() and lexeme_complete()
 - bin/*: say that filename must be the last argument when using unknown

0.35 2014-01-23T20:56:10
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Optimization bis
 - Global optimization
 - Callback/ : optimization

0.34 2014-01-22T20:20:40
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - t\delayed_directDeclaratorIdentifier.t: more tests
 - Grammar/ need for a special lexeme in
 - Scope management: delay flag should be per scope, closing a scope should
   recursively its parent if it is marked delayed
 - Callback/ delayed directDeclaratorIdentifier test
 - Callback/ fixed a vicious case where
   directDeclaratorIdentifier is not yet propagated into
 - Removed unwanted file from previous commit
 - bin/c2ast: fix pod2usage call
 - bin/cscan: pass through of arguments, fix POD output
 - Grammar/ unmask gccExtension
 - added a NOTES section

0.33 2014-01-20T19:52:51
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Removed work files
 - t/*.t: alwys call value()
 - Opaque ASM support for everything not GCC inline ASM
 - AST/ force non true space to a true space for error reporting
 - AST/ Fixed $log->fatalf() arguments
 - MASM: dev+
 - work/ dev+
 - work/MSASM.bnf: fixed end of buffer detection + use forgiving
 - work/MSASM.bnf: add end of buffer to endOfLine
 - work/MSASM.bnf: dev+
 - Revert "work/MSASM.bnf: dev+"
 - work/MSASM.bnf: :discard rule dev+
 - MSASM.bnf: dev+
 - Bump Marpa::R2 dependency to version 2.078000
 - Grammar/ use insentitive lexemes for MASM
 - Reduce the number of calls to value()
 - dist.ini: Move [OSPrereqs / MSWin32] after [MakeMaker]
 - Grammar/ ambiguity with msvsAsmType
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ Environment variables support for cpprun and
   cppflags, Shell quoting when executing the preprocessor
 - dist.ini: Win32::ShellQuote on MSWin32
 - examples/h2xs.PL : Marpa aware version
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ more protections
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ parsed_fdecls is not interested by typedef'ed
   functions declarations, prevent more undefined to be inserted

0.32 2014-01-12T08:49:17
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - bin/cscan: fixed mod example, "mytype" should read "double"
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ mod is setted via an appended, its separator is
 - Removed unused blog file and dir

0.31 2014-01-11T20:13:08
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ no splice if not necessary, exhibits a test
   failure under perl <= 5.14

0.30 2014-01-11T17:25:42
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - bin/cscan: --in option
 - bin/cscan: --out and --err options, yet another --xpath example
 - bin/cscan: fix $xml usage confusion in source
 - bin/cscan: revisited example to find declared strings
 - bin/cscan: example for find declared strings
 - bin/cscan: say that get method are for C::Scan like methods
 - bin/cscan: removed a debugging print STDERR
 - bin/cscan: say in the abstract this is a C::Scan alternative
 - bin/cscan: no critic on the eval (bis)
 - bin/cscan: no critic on the eval
 - bin/c2ast: perlcritic
 - -> c2ast
 - say that is now c2ast
 - bin/cscan: more examples with --cppflags
 - bin/cscan: another example taking about inner anonymous types
 - bin/cscan : implementation of --xml and --xpath options
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/Scan: fix calculation of line number
 - t/scan.t: skip file/line information in tests dev+
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ line calculation dev+
 - <DATA> should be loaded once
 - bin/scan: xpath preparation
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/Scan: function type is not inherited
 - bin/cscan: generic get argument
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ original filename processing fix
 - bin/cscan: POD fix
 - bin/cscan : a very special replacement for POD not generated at run time
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ perlcritic on $_

0.29 2014-01-07T06:59:24
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - t/scan.t: fix following removal of use C::Scan
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ typo that exhibits under perl <= 5.12
 - t/scan.t: remove use C::Scan
 - use #!perl for shebang (same effect as #!/usr/bin/perl but I prefer the
 - bin/ fix some POD formatting
 - cscan cmdline prototype

0.28 2014-01-07T05:25:27
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Commented C::Scan comparison in tests - too many failures
 - Yet POD fixes
 - update SYNOPSIS

0.27 2014-01-06T19:35:31
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - release trial fixes
 - C::Scan cmp MarpaX::Languages::C::Scan
 - typedefs_structs test and change following before/after fix
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ : missing enum in KEY2ID and fix before/after as
   per C::SCan
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ POD fix
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/Scan: POD fixes
 - vdecl_hash test
 - vdecls test
 - typedef_texts and typedefs_maybe tests
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/Scan: sort explicitely when output is a map on hash
 - scan.t: typedef_hash test
 - scan.t: t+
 - parsed_fdecls test
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ Fix bug in _analyseDirectAbstractDeclarator,
   missing checks in _prependRcp and _appendRcp
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ Fix POD and 'ty' in parsed_fdecls in case of a
 - ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ Fixed PURGE_IDX value, removed unused _copyRcp
 - C::Scan t+
 - C::Scan integration: t+
 - use Pod::Usage
 - say that unknown options are sent to cpp
 - import C::Scan-like module

0.26 2013-12-27T19:39:06
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Initial line number should be 1 instead of 0
 - move File::Spec->canonpath at a better place
 - use File::Spec->canonpath before file comparison
 - comment #7

0.25 2013-12-25T09:33:40
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Grammar/ Added missing priority for

0.24 2013-12-25T06:12:47
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - bin/ typo in usage
 - t/gcc_extension.t: tests
 - restored (gccExtension) rhs in specifiers
 - moved misplaced (gccExtension) rhs

 [Jeffrey Kegler <>]
 - Revise --cppfile help

0.23 2013-09-25T16:45:49
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Fixed reference data

0.22 2013-09-24T19:49:26
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Remove unused event
 - Runtime optimization
 - Remove usage of clone
 - Fix show source when failure is on paused lexeme
 - use Clone instead of Storable
 - Removed unused import
 - runtime optimization
 - renamed cached ncb from _ncb to _cacheNcb
 - Avoid one internal match
 - Cases where IDENTIFIER is not ambiguous
 - Modifications as per yafce

0.21 2013-09-21T08:56:11
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - runtime optimizations
 - MSVS's .type could eat C lexemes DOT and 'type'

0.20 2013-09-19T21:20:31
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Back to version with GCC extension in the grammar
 - Fix errors let by previous commit
 - Discard GCC __extension__
 - Removed unused event
 - More GCC asm tests
 - New reference data
 - Removed gccEmptyRule, Support of GCC asm goto
 - Newline stuff (Marpa i.e. unicode v.s. only \n)
 - Work on newline
 - Work on typedef priority
 - Removed ASM pause before preparation
 - GCC_ASM token can also be "asm"
 - New version of reference data
 - Support of binary constants (GCC extension)
 - __asm G1 preparation
 - _doPauseAfterLexeme renamed to ->doPauseBefore
 - <G0 anything but space> replaced by <G0 constant>
 - GCC __extension__ ony once for expression
 - GCC __extension__ cannot be in :discard
 - :discard of __extension (GCC)
 - :discard of GCC __attribute__
 - renamed
 - Move GCC __attribute__ to :discard
 - Added missing MSVS __thiscall and __clrcall to function modifier
 - Move MSVS's __inline and __forceinline into generic INLINE lexeme
 - MSVS __declspec :discard test
 - Move __declspec to :discard
 - Try to make grammer more readable (2)
 - Try to make grammer more readable
 - Add missing MSVS declspec modifiers
 - Renamed t/discard_pragma.t to t/discard_MSVS_pragma.t
 - Remove logging
 - __pragma vtordisp
 - __pragma strict_gs_check
 - __pragma setlocale
 - __pragma section
 - __pragma runtime_checks
 - __pragma region/endregion
 - __pragma pop_macro/push_macro
 - __pragma pointers_to_members
 - __pragma pack
 - __pragma optimize
 - __pragma once
 - __pragma message
 - __pragma managed/unmanaged
 - __pragma make_public
 - __pragma loop
 - __pragma intrinsic
 - __pragma inline_recursion
 - __pragma inline_depth
 - __pragma include_alias
 - __pragma hdrstop
 - __pragma function
 - __pragma fp_contract
 - __pragma float_control
 - __pragma fenv_access
 - __pragma detect_mismatch
 - __pragma deprecated
 - __pragma conform
 - __pragma component
 - __pragma comment
 - bss_seg, code_seg, const_seg and data_seg share the same syntax
 - __pragma bss_seg fixes, add __pragma check_stack
 - test pragma bss_seg
 - pragma bss_seg
 - add comments
 - pragma warning fix
 - pragma test
 - pragma fix
 - Missing statement in pragma push
 - __declspec(deprecated) fix and __pragma alloc_text, auto_inline, warning
 - Support of logInfo __ALL__ continued
 - Fix reference data
 - __ALL__ special lexeme survey support, MSVS fixes
 - Document __ALL__ --lexeme value
 - Associate user-data to typedef and enum
 - new function startAndLength
 - deref nothing, revisit few sequences
 - Return true is something found
 - Push dirty files correctly
 - typedefPerScope and enumAnyScope  accessors
 - scope object accessor
 - Fix default callback value
 - Better comment
 - Fix pod

0.19 2013-07-30T20:41:04
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - v0.19
 - Call log only when its level is ok
 - Remove useless commented block
 - Remove non-needed events
 - Tiny optimization

0.18 2013-07-29T18:10:08
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - v0.18
 - c2ast cc replacement example
 - stack based version as per jeffreykegler
 - Tiny optimisations
 - Tiny optimisation
 - --logstderr option
 - Fix doc
 - Remove non-needed use Config
 - Promote STRING_LITERAL_UNIT as lexeme
 - Remember logInfo parameter so that we do not log more than was it
 - Fix logInfo parameter
 - Trying to fix Changes content, some dirty things will lay out forever it

0.17 2013-07-25T07:57:31
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - v0.17
 - typo in regexp

0.16 2013-07-24T20:51:24
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - v0.16
 - Optimisations (ter)

0.15 2013-07-24T19:07:52
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - v0.15
 - Lasy commit just to have git cached connection for dzil release

0.14 2013-07-24T19:00:43
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - v0.14
 - Limit calls to last_completed
 - Fix format pull request #2
 - Ambiguity because of gcc
 - Optimization bis
 - Doc update
 - Optimisations
 - v0.13
 - Revival of 'IDENTIFIER COLON initializer' old style coding, use rank to
   bypass gccAttributeInnerParameter generating multiple parse values
 - Another way to handle preprocessing
 - Say how many parse trees were found
 - Tiny protection
 - show context on error only if >= debug
 - G1 distinction between #line and #pragma directives
 - v0.12
 - Force scanning of IDENTIFIER if --check reservedNames and no --lexeme
 - v0.11
 - gcc asm test
 - gcc asm grammar fix
 - More about tracing
 - --dump and --loglevel options
 - Better error reporting
 - v0.10
 - Disable [CheckExtraTests] until I fix them all
 - Perl::Critic
 - Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::RequireFilenameMatchesPackage
 - [CheckChangesHasContent] has a problem with my Changes format
 - use Marpa::R2 2.064000 back (indexed CPAN version)
 - use Marpa::R2 2.065000
 - Leave directDeclaratorIdentifier as a possible value
 - Minimalist C AST targetted Data::Find
 - lexeme default = action => [start,length,value]
 - A gentle optimization
 - Remove log statements
 - Import nothing by default
 - Last Term::ProgressBar update if needed
 - Enable Log4perl and logInfo option
 - preprocessorDirective is introducing ambiguity
 - New option --progress
 - Support of comma ending argumentExpressionList
 - Check GetOptions return value
 - Fix file test for default behaviour
 - Support of #line in original .c and list of lexemes of interest
 - #line and #pragma as a whole big lexeme
 - Revert "use script directory instead of bin"
 - use script directory instead of bin
 - logInfo option and SEE ALSO section
 - POD update
 - update
 - dzil compliance
 - updated POD
 - Remove bin/ from ignore list
 - c2ast tool
 - MSVS annotation discard
 - callback option and logInfo option
 - Simplified
 - Remove any preprocessor directive
 - Probably the next developer release candidate!
 - Fix for a feature that may disappear
 - Correct implementation v.s. different type of pauses
 - A lot of gcc attribute extensions
 - Starting adding more gcc attribute extensions
 - Grr, missing GNU attribute extensions
 - Even closer
 - almost completed -;
 - Fix usage
 - Revisited namings, removed ugly object dependencies
 - Pod change
 - return if (! @terminals_expected);
 - Removed non needed methods
 - Cleanup cont'd
 - Moving methods to Util
 - Marpa-R2-2.061_002 bug fix
 - use Marpa::R2 2.061002
 - parameterDeclaration check
 - to be done in post grammar
 - Fixes on updates and checks
 - Work on functionDefinition, simplified some calls
 - use Marpa::R2 2.061001 and its terminals_expected
 - functionDefinition
 - Work on events
 - functionDefinition checks
 - New attribute extra_description, mainly for better logging
 - Use explicit ($start, $length) for readibility
 - A little more information in the log
 - Removed unused methods and did few renamings
 - General fixes
 - Revisited scope management
 - Scope fix
 - Fixed deref action and do not return flags data
 - Protect against eventual emtpy topic data
 - declaration rule is now OK with events
 - Work on functionDefinition
 - Imported changes
 - Imported ctesk original SEC.bnf
 - _doDelayedExitScope called too often
 - Test suite fixes
 - syntax error, despite compilers wrongly parses it
 - parameter declaration and typedef
 - Test cases based on wikipedia
 - void func(x, typedef) {}
 - void func(typedef) {}
 - void func(x, typedef) {};
 - void func(typedef) {};
 - void typedef func() {};
 - typedef void func() {};
 - Scope events
 - remove dist.init from dirty Git::Check
 - use Marpa::R2 2.057006
 - Events callback
 - A simple callback framework
 - use Marpa::R2 2.057005
 - Changed how Scopes are detected - removing two calls to
 - Fixed an <undef> in the logging
 - Typos
 - Quote of "What is the Marpa algorithm?"
 - Test plan
 - Restored TODO list
 - v0.09
 - Back to eval Log::Log4perl because of Win32 warn
 - v0.08
 - Ignore my MarpaX::Languages::C::AST::Expected in AutoPrereqs
 - Enable UploadToCPAN
 - Back to 95% of DAGOLDEN great dist.ini
 - oups back
 - Closer to DAGOLDEN
 - Removed non needed, this also allow to have a clean tag, but
   Dist::Zilla perturbed a bit the followup of tag v.s. official releases
 - Uncommentedd UploadToCPAN
 - Remove dist.ini from allow_dirty, Added back commented [FakeRelease]
 - New CPAN release of MarpaX-Languages-C-AST - v0.04
 - Added META.json and README.pod to .gitignore
 - Add .build to .gitignore
 - Dist:Zilla version
 - Removed
 - Removed README boilerplate
 - Remove given/when: warnings on perl5.18
 - Better readibility
 - v0.03
 - Synopsis made readable
 - Move atomic stuff to example since the grammar does not have pb with it
   (historically c2011 draft had an ambiguity between atomic as type
   specifier and type qualifier)
 - Updated test file to follow logging that now have a context free string
 - Use given/when, log the context (lexeme, event)
 - MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.10.0'
 - Fix under taint mode
 - Preview of changes for 0.03
 - My own version of changes.t
 - Cosmetic reorder in _doLexeme()
 - Revisited lexeme and events processing
 - Again manifest.t
 - Back to quasi-original manifest.t
 - TODO list, currently contains only PERHAPS items
 - Revisited log mechanism and inspectG1
 - Better log
 - examples/
 - Variable name convention fix
 - Correct parameters to findInProgress()
 - No (not-needed) $lhs nor [@rhs] in $matchesp
 - findInProgressShort and g1Describe helper methods
 - Return list of [$ruleId, $dotPosition, $origin, $lhs, [@rhs]] that
 - Force Marpa::R2 in addition to the test in Makefile.PL
 - Fix rc=1 if anything was requested /and/ matched
 - Typo in a comment
 - Removed perl version dependency
 - Removed duplicate BUILD_REQUIRES
 - Removed non-needed Module::Info requirement
 - Removed use perl 5.006
 - Added use warnings
 - Updated methods docs
 - Fixed typos in the doc
 - Marpa::R2 2.056000 official release dependency
 - Add ruleid and origin in findinprogress
 - Forgot 0.02 Changes update
 - Bumped to version 0.02
 - Fixed synopsis
 - Add repository to META_MERGE
 - Say what this module is not
 - Move to Storage (core module) instead of Clone
 - Add package tarballs to .gitignore
 - test blessed structure result
 - Oups, removed a Data::Dumper call
 - No more untaint and if-if-else ambiguity solving
 - Fix t/Grammar/synposis.t on Win32
 - Precisions in the POD for read method
 - Untaint the grammar when reading it, use core IO::File instead of
 - Simplified new()
 - Renamed if-then-else.t to if-if-else.t
 - use Marpa::R2 2.055_003
 - Fix output v.s. arrayOfValuesb
 - Possiblity to return all values
 - Fix some POD sections
 - Hmm, I messed up last commit logs - let's restart from here
 - if-then-else test Fixed some SEE ALSO sections
 - Few fixes and global t/synopsis.t file for the whole package
 - Log::Any wrapper on top of Marpa
 - Added $grammar->list() method
 - Grammar test files and implementation on top of Marpa
 - Use $log Remove __DATA__
 - MarpaX::Languages::C::AST::Grammar package Fixes for newest Test::More
 - Scope synopsis test
 - Scope module
 - Initial commit

 [Jeffrey Kegler <>]
 - README changes

0.13 2013-07-23T22:56:11
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Revival of 'IDENTIFIER COLON initializer' old style coding, use rank to
   bypass gccAttributeInnerParameter generating multiple parse values
 - Another way to handle preprocessing
 - Say how many parse trees were found
 - Tiny protection
 - show context on error only if >= debug
 - G1 distinction between #line and #pragma directives

0.12 2013-07-21T09:41:16
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Force scanning of IDENTIFIER if --check reservedNames and no --lexeme

0.11 2013-07-21T09:08:18
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - gcc asm test
 - gcc asm grammar fix
 - More about tracing
 - --dump and --loglevel options
 - Better error reporting

0.10 2013-07-20T22:24:47
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Disable [CheckExtraTests] until I fix them all
 - Perl::Critic
 - Perl::Critic::Policy::Modules::RequireFilenameMatchesPackage
 - [CheckChangesHasContent] has a problem with my Changes format
 - use Marpa::R2 2.064000 back (indexed CPAN version)
 - use Marpa::R2 2.065000
 - Leave directDeclaratorIdentifier as a possible value
 - Minimalist C AST targetted Data::Find
 - lexeme default = action => [start,length,value]
 - A gentle optimization
 - Remove log statements
 - Import nothing by default
 - Last Term::ProgressBar update if needed
 - Enable Log4perl and logInfo option
 - preprocessorDirective is introducing ambiguity
 - New option --progress
 - Support of comma ending argumentExpressionList
 - Check GetOptions return value
 - Fix file test for default behaviour
 - Support of #line in original .c and list of lexemes of interest
 - #line and #pragma as a whole big lexeme
 - Revert "use script directory instead of bin"
 - use script directory instead of bin
 - logInfo option and SEE ALSO section
 - POD update
 - update
 - dzil compliance
 - updated POD
 - Remove bin/ from ignore list
 - c2ast tool
 - MSVS annotation discard
 - callback option and logInfo option
 - Simplified
 - Remove any preprocessor directive
 - Probably the next developer release candidate!
 - Fix for a feature that may disappear
 - Correct implementation v.s. different type of pauses
 - A lot of gcc attribute extensions
 - Starting adding more gcc attribute extensions
 - Grr, missing GNU attribute extensions
 - Even closer
 - almost completed -;
 - Fix usage
 - Revisited namings, removed ugly object dependencies
 - Pod change
 - return if (! @terminals_expected);
 - Removed non needed methods
 - Cleanup cont'd
 - Moving methods to Util
 - Marpa-R2-2.061_002 bug fix
 - use Marpa::R2 2.061002
 - parameterDeclaration check
 - to be done in post grammar
 - Fixes on updates and checks
 - Work on functionDefinition, simplified some calls
 - use Marpa::R2 2.061001 and its terminals_expected
 - functionDefinition
 - Work on events
 - functionDefinition checks
 - New attribute extra_description, mainly for better logging
 - Use explicit ($start, $length) for readibility
 - A little more information in the log
 - Removed unused methods and did few renamings
 - General fixes
 - Revisited scope management
 - Scope fix
 - Fixed deref action and do not return flags data
 - Protect against eventual emtpy topic data
 - declaration rule is now OK with events
 - Work on functionDefinition
 - Imported changes
 - Imported ctesk original SEC.bnf
 - _doDelayedExitScope called too often
 - Test suite fixes
 - syntax error, despite compilers wrongly parses it
 - parameter declaration and typedef
 - Test cases based on wikipedia
 - void func(x, typedef) {}
 - void func(typedef) {}
 - void func(x, typedef) {};
 - void func(typedef) {};
 - void typedef func() {};
 - typedef void func() {};
 - Scope events
 - remove dist.init from dirty Git::Check
 - use Marpa::R2 2.057006
 - Events callback
 - A simple callback framework
 - use Marpa::R2 2.057005
 - Changed how Scopes are detected - removing two calls to
 - Fixed an <undef> in the logging
 - Typos
 - Quote of "What is the Marpa algorithm?"
 - Test plan
 - Restored TODO list

 [Jeffrey Kegler <>]
 - README changes

0.09 2013-06-03T18:22:46
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Back to eval Log::Log4perl because of Win32 warn
 - v0.08

0.08 2013-06-02T21:18:03
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Ignore my MarpaX::Languages::C::AST::Expected in AutoPrereqs
 - Enable UploadToCPAN
 - Back to 95% of DAGOLDEN great dist.ini

0.07 2013-06-02T17:36:58
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - oups back

0.06 2013-06-02T17:33:00
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Closer to DAGOLDEN

0.05 2013-06-02T17:12:10
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Removed non needed, this also allow to have a clean tag, but
   Dist::Zilla perturbed a bit the followup of tag v.s. official releases

0.04 2013-06-02T17:03:14
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Uncommentedd UploadToCPAN
 - Remove dist.ini from allow_dirty, Added back commented [FakeRelease]
 - New CPAN release of MarpaX-Languages-C-AST - v0.04
 - Added META.json and README.pod to .gitignore
 - Add .build to .gitignore
 - Dist:Zilla version
 - Removed
 - Removed README boilerplate
 - Remove given/when: warnings on perl5.18
 - Better readibility

0.03 2013-05-30T19:12:07
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Synopsis made readable
 - Removed
 - Move atomic stuff to example since the grammar does not have pb with it
   (historically c2011 draft had an ambiguity between atomic as type
   specifier and type qualifier)
 - Updated test file to follow logging that now have a context free string
 - Use given/when, log the context (lexeme, event)
 - MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.10.0'
 - Fix under taint mode
 - Preview of changes for 0.03
 - My own version of changes.t
 - Cosmetic reorder in _doLexeme()
 - Revisited lexeme and events processing
 - Again manifest.t
 - Back to quasi-original manifest.t
 - TODO list, currently contains only PERHAPS items
 - Revisited log mechanism and inspectG1
 - Better log
 - examples/
 - Variable name convention fix
 - Correct parameters to findInProgress()
 - No (not-needed) $lhs nor [@rhs] in $matchesp
 - findInProgressShort and g1Describe helper methods
 - Return list of [$ruleId, $dotPosition, $origin, $lhs, [@rhs]] that
 - Force Marpa::R2 in addition to the test in Makefile.PL
 - Fix rc=1 if anything was requested /and/ matched
 - Typo in a comment
 - Removed perl version dependency
 - Removed duplicate BUILD_REQUIRES
 - Removed non-needed Module::Info requirement
 - Removed use perl 5.006
 - Added use warnings
 - Updated methods docs
 - Fixed typos in the doc
 - Marpa::R2 2.056000 official release dependency
 - Add ruleid and origin in findinprogress
 - Forgot 0.02 Changes update

0.02 2013-05-21T22:39:50
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Bumped to version 0.02
 - Fixed synopsis
 - Add repository to META_MERGE
 - Say what this module is not
 - Move to Storage (core module) instead of Clone

0.01 2013-05-21T12:19:33
 - No changes found