Changelog for MarpaX-Languages-ECMAScript-AST

0.019 2014-10-25T22:15:15
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - ECMAScript_262_5/ github issue #5
 - t/asi.t: say more when there is a failure

0.018 2014-07-23T20:09:04Z
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Release of version 0.018
 - t/github_issue_0004.t: More than one parse tree value #4
 - t/github_issue_0003.t: fix comment
 - github issue #3
 - ECMAScript_262_5 Generic Template for version 0.018
 - Grammar/ too_many_earley_items as a class method
 - Grammar/ too_many_earley_items => 0
 - ECMASCript/ fix ExpressionStatement ambiguity with Block or
 - Grammar/ support of eventual traverser
 - ECMAScript_262_5 Generic Template for version 0.018
 - AST/ fix recce method

0.017 2014-07-03T21:41:45Z
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Release of version 0.017
 - ECMAScript_262_5 Generic Template for version 0.017
 - Program/ optimization
 - Merge branch 'master' of
 - Program/ add lhs and rhs information in value -
   StringLiteral: documentation and behaviour mismatch #2
 - ECMAScript_262_5/ few optimizations
 - ECMAScript_262_5 Generic Template for version 0.017
 - t/github_issue_0001.t: Removed logging

0.016 2014-07-01T22:45:04Z
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Release of version 0.016
 - Code that throws a "subexpression recursion limit exception". (#1)
 - number dev+

0.015 2014-02-22T08:34:45Z
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Release of version 0.015
 - Grammar/ Fixed show of last expression in case of error
 - Revert "Use slr->ambiguity_metric to detect ambiguous parse" This
   reverts commit 510867cf17ba5b65515f76af8ed34a33f7445659.
 - dev+
 - dev+
 - dev+
 - dev+
 - Merge branch 'master' of
 - AST/ use Marpa::R2 2.080000
 - Use slr->ambiguity_metric to detect ambiguous parse

0.014 2014-02-16T21:10:23Z
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Release of version 0.014
 - Pattern/ revisited way to condtionnaly use perl feature

0.013 2014-02-16T15:21:39Z
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Release of version 0.013
 - use Marpa::R2 2.079015 rewritten as use Marpa::R2 2.079_015
 - t/pattern.t: full coverage of Pattern/
 - Pattern/ _HexEscapeSequence fix
 - t/pattern.c: escape parens test
 - lexeme default = forgiving => 1 && DecimalDigits
 - lexeme default = forgiving => 1
 - t/pattern.t: Caret test not at the beginning of string
 - Pattern/ Caret assertino bug
 - Pattern/ bug in _charsetUnion
 - t/pattern.t: more tests
 - Pattern/ one more parameter for regexp, a routine to
   eventually do its own upper case
 - t/pattern.t: Assertion \b and \B tests conted
 - t/pattern.t: Assertion \\b and \\B tests
 - Pattern/ bug fix in _isWordChar
 - script/
 - _AtomEscape_CharacterClassEscape fix

0.012 2014-02-14T21:21:11Z
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Release of version 0.012
 - use File::HomeDir 0.93; because of my_dist_data

0.011 2014-02-09T23:30:10Z
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Release of version 0.011
 - Impl/ Removed some debug statement
 - t/stringNumericLiteralBigFloat.t: on some old Math::BigInt, 0x is not
   optional in from_hex

0.010 2014-02-09T01:01:49Z
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Release of version 0.010
 - Float wooes
 - StringNumericLiteral/ do {my $n = 2; $n *= $n
   while $n < $n*$n; $n} only when absolutely necessary

0.009 2014-02-08T18:16:41Z
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Release of version 0.009
 - t/stringNumericLiteral*.t: Infinity tests
 - StringNumericLiteral/ Try to deal with
   platforms without pos_zero or pos_infinity
 - ECMAScript_262_5/ Tiny optimization

0.008 2014-02-07T19:36:39Z
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Release of version 0.008
 - ECMAScript_262_5 Generic Template for version 0.008
 - Replaced __PACKAGE__ by $class
 - Fix tests
 - Problem with file naming (2)
 - Pb with file naming
 - Fix Semantics package runtime settings
 - Added missing ABSTRACT and VERSION
 - URI prototype
 - URI dev+
 - JSON prototype
 - dist.ini: double quotes for portability
 - Singleton centralization
 - AST/ Typo in POD
 - Pattern/ Fix POD error

0.007 2014-02-05T23:04:05Z
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Release of version 0.007
 - Refactorisation
 - Lexical/ Load grammar once
 - Program/ renamed to Program/
 - StringNumericLiteral: fix bareword warnings
 - t/pattern.t: better indentation
 - t/pattern.t: move test of value upper
 - t/pattern.t: two more test with alternation
 - Pattern: Fix lexeme issue (longest match win)

0.006 2014-02-03T22:18:19Z
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Release of version 0.006
 - use
 - t/pattern.t: Removed logging
 - Pattern: t+ and deviation from the spec for Assertions returning a
 - Pattern: t+
 - Revert "ECMAScript_262_5/ :  missing track of lparens for
   lookahead disjunctions" This reverts commit
 - Revert "Pattern/ support of lparens in
   lookahead disjunctions" This reverts commit
 - Pattern/ support of lparens in lookahead
 - ECMAScript_262_5/ :  missing track of lparens for lookahead
 - Pattern: positive lookahead test
 - Pattern: backtracking fix
 - Pattern/ _CharacterEscape_IdentityEscape fix
 - Pattern: t+
 - Pattern: t+
 - Pattern: t+
 - Pattern: dev+
 - Grammar/ Added export of BS
 - Pattern/ Use only exported functions from
 - Grammar/ added NULL range and value
 - Pattern: dev+
 - StringNumericLiteral/ POD fix
 - Grammar/ Export explicitely the characters composing
   LineTerminator and Whitespace
 - Pattern: dev+
 - ECMAScript_262_5/ Fix POD
 - StringNumericLilteral/ Fix POD
 - Pattern: dev+
 - StringNumericLiteral/DefaultSemanticsPackage: Fix POD
 - Revisited method names for StringNumericLiteral
 - Pattern: dev+
 - say that only the Program grammar provides an AST
 - Pattern: dev+
 - removed as non-needed
 - Base: say that every string in the AST is a perl string
 - rename of t/stringNumericLiteral*.t
 - t/stringNumericLiteralBigFloat: Math::BigFloat implementation
 - StringNumericLiteral: Fix call to implementations
 - StringNumericLiteral::DefaultSemanticsPackage: Fix POD
 - Pattern/ POD fix
 - use Marpa::R2 2.078000
 - ECMAScript_262_5 Generic Template for version 0.006
 - Added default actions, fixed IdentityEscape
 - AST/Grammar/ added pattern()
 - AST/ added pattern()
 - more POD, added pattern()
 - ECMAScript_262_5 Generic Template for version 0.006
 - StringNumericLiteral: renamed method value to hostValue
 - : make compilable
 - Merge branch 'master' of
 - Regexp string preparation
 - Regexp string preparation
 - Regexp string preparation
 - Regexp string preparation
 - : document more options argument passing
 - Several POD fix (dzil xtest)
 - StringNumericLiteral/; Removed unused method
 - Grammar/ECMAScript_262_5: POD fix
 - use Marpa::R2 2.077015 for a semantics_package fix
 - Grammar/ fix option passing
 - Externalised semantic package example
 - t/stringNumericLiteral.t: test cases with space (or empty input -;
 - StringNumericLiteral: fix call to actions
 - StringNumericLiteral defaults and test-suite
 - ECMAScript_262_5 Generic Template for version 0.006
 - Supreesed modules
 - Fix default and make_grammar_option method overwrite
 - t/stringNumericLiteral.t: dev+
 - Template new moved from HASH to ref to HASH
 - StringNumericLiteral: dev+
 - Added missing exports for template and stringNumericLiteral
 - ECMAScript_262_5 Generic Template for version 0.006
 - a somewhat better default
 - always use local hash for G->new() input
 - always use local hash to R->new() input
 - StringNumericLiteral export
 - StringNumericLiteral/ fix typo
 - StringNumericLiteral singleton and default semantics_package
 - ECMAScript_262_5 Generic Template for version 0.006
 - Use cached grammars for Program and StringLiteral
 - Support of cached grammars
 - StringNumericLiteral: dev+
 - t/asi.t: use the same instance for all subtest
 - Program/ cached Program grammar
 - StringNumericLiteral dev+
 - Lexical::StringNumericLiteral: dev+
 - Grammar::CharacterClasses: add IseOrE
 - Lexical::StringNumericLiteral::Actions: dev+
 - Lexical::StringNumericLiteral: dev+
 - Lexical::StringLiteral: use inherited parse()
 - Use range for character class when possible
 - RT #91120

0.005 2013-11-30T21:38:48Z
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Release of version 0.005
 - Lexical/StringLiteral/; octal actions fixes
 - AST/ typo in POD
 - AST/ possibility to cache the Marpa::R2::Scanless::G for speedup
 - Program/ StringLiteral action
 - StringLiteral action
 - keepOriginalSource => 0
 - Lexical/StringLiteral: actions
 - Lexical/NumericLiteral/ Removed use Math::BigInt
 - Grammar/ Removed non-needed code
 - Grammar/ Fixed default _grammar_option, Say default value for
   parse() options
 - Added missing ABSTRACT and VERSION
 - ECMAScript_262_5 Generic Template for version 0.005
 - NumericLiteral: actions dev+
 - NumericLiteral: actions dev+
 - NumericLiteral: action templates
 - NumericLiteral: more actions
 - MV of NumericLiteral: dev+
 - MV of NumericLiteral: dev+
 - NumericLiteral actions and injection
 - Fix transpilation callbacks return value processing
 - script/ fix callback usage
 - use Exception::Class
 - generateTemplate: callback trial t+
 - Impl: rule_id, rule_expand, symbol_name
 - AST: Use recommended Marpa methods
 - Removed non warnings recursion

 [jddurand <>]
 - NumericLiteral: dev+

0.004 2013-11-10T17:16:22Z
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Release of version 0.004
 - perl critic
 - perlcritic.rc
 - Remove from allow_dirty
 - Try to not be fooled by git commit of ECMAScript_262_5/Template at
   BeforeBuild exit code
 - Add git commit of ECMAScript_262_5/Template at BeforeBuild
 - ECMAScript_262_5 Generic Template for version 0.004
 - script/ better indentation
 - ECMAScript_262_5/Template: Putted by hand until I understand how to tell
   dzil to do it for me...
 - script/ Generate POD
 - fix t+
 - BeforeBuild of
 - Supressed script/
 - ->
 - AST/Grammar/ECMAScript_262_5/Template: Generated template for
 - script/generateTemplateXslate: PP version
 - AST/Grammar/ECMAScript_262_5/Program: no more need ot automatic blessing
 - AST/Grammar/ECMAScript_262_5: This grammar's generic template
 - AST/Grammar: template() stub
 - AST: Removed startRuleId
 - AST: startRuleId method
 - AST: sub templatePath
 - generateTemplateXslate: use ~ between calls
 - generateTemplateXslate: typo fix
 - automatic generation of template's template -
 - generateTemplateXslate: prototype
 - AST: get the underlying grammarAlias
 - AST/Grammar: rename alias() method to grammarAlias()
 - AST/Grammar: return the grammar alias as found in this distribution
 - Program: no need anymore of "proxy" G1 rules since the parse tree value
   will contain the G1 rules Id
 - Program/Actions: shall I return reference to @_ directly or not
 - AST: describe contains both G0 and G1
 - AST: new format for describe
 - Program: AST is a hash with values and ruleId
 - AST: Fix usage of is_lax
 - AST: Add version of this package in cache
 - AST: default cache is off
 - AST: describe() method, factorized _init()
 - Impl: g1_rule_ids() and rule()

0.003 2013-11-03T21:48:28Z
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Release of version 0.003
 - Program: Insert a true semicolon in the AST where there is an invisible
 - AST: Fix usage of cache
 - Program: Put special lexeme in dedicated LHSs
 - Program/Actions: remove non-needed actions
 - Fix filename cache
 - AST: Fix POD about cache
 - AST: use my_dist_data for cache root storage
 - AST: Fix synopsis, use CHI label and namespace

0.002 2013-10-31T21:01:47Z
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Release of version 0.002
 - Cache via CHI and optimizations
 - Fix POD
 - Fixed usage
 - Rebless explicitely NumericLiteral lexemes

0.001 2013-10-30T18:05:36Z
 [Jean-Damien Durand <>]
 - Release of version 0.001
 - first commit
 - first commit