Revision history for Perl module Cookie

v0.2.1 2022-09-24T17:34:13+0900
    - Minor modification of method 'save' in Cookie::Jar
    - Minor improvement to cron_fetch in Cookie::Domain
    - Added methods load_as_mozilla() and save_as_mozilla() in Cookie::Jar
    - Corrected a minor issue when removing cookies while performing a do() or scan(), since they were accessing and modifying the same array reference at the same time.
    - Corrected a format error in save_as_netscape in Cookie::Jar when exporting cookies as netscape whereby the expiration was not in a unix timestamp format

v0.2.0 2022-07-16T15:50:52+0900
    - Added methods algo, autosave, file, secret, type to Cookie::Jar
    - Corrected some typos in Cookie::Jar

v0.1.13 2022-06-27T13:59:30+0900
    - Minor correction in Cookie::Jar for cases where the host is an IP address

v0.1.12 2022-06-23T15:47:58+0900
    - Improved correction for a race condition when no local time has been set

v0.1.11 2022-06-22T15:20:03+0900
    - Corrected for a race condition when no local time has been set

v0.1.10 2022-06-21T00:00:24+0900
    - Corrected a small error in Makefile.PL

v0.1.9 2022-06-19T08:38:19+0900
    - Improvement of the Makefile.PL

v0.1.8 2021-12-15T07:01:04+0900
    - Re-submision for Cookies

v0.1.7 2021-12-14T10:50:36+0900
    - Added the Cookies class to serve as a cookies jar. See also Cookie::Jar

v0.1.6 2021-12-07T17:49:09+0900
    - Corrected bug in handling and resetting cache in Cookie

v0.1.5 2021-11-25T07:27:14+0900
    - Corrected test units version requirement for testing with CryptX

v0.1.4 2021-11-22T11:10:49+0900
    - Minor correction in expires() in Cookie and related test units

v0.1.3 2021-11-18T12:24:20+0900
    - Improvement on is_expired in Cookie

v0.1.2 2021-11-18T11:34:17+0900
    - Documentation corrections

v0.1.1 2021-11-17T17:00:54+0900
    - Change of distribution name from Cookies to Cookie
    - Improvements on handling of same cookie name for a given domain and path
    - Better compliance with rfc6265

v0.1.0 2021-11-14T14:40:13+0900
    - Initial release
    - Added classes Cookies and Cookie
    - Added class Cookies::Domain