Revision history for Perl module HTTP::Promise
v0.1.4 2022-07-17T05:56:32+0900
- Minor correction on the temporary file extension to store response data in _read_body_chunked() in HTTP::Promise
- Corrected passing the error object with the reject callback in delete, get, options, patch, post, put methods in HTTP::Promise
- Added suport for serialisation by CBOR, Sereal and Storable for all modules
- Correcting a bug in HTTP::Promise::Headers::ContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly, in report_uri()
- Corrected missing parameters in delete() and options() methods in HTTP::Promise
v0.1.3 2022-07-01T10:44:30Z +0900
- Correcting error in pod documentation affecting CPAN indexing
v0.1.2 2022-06-30T13:56:42Z +0900
- Added missing requirement for URL::Encode::XS
v0.1.1 2022-06-28T06:38:36Z +0900
- Remove dependency on curry
v0.1.0 2022-06-27T23:01:44Z +0900
- Initial release