=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

Module::Generic::Boolean - Boolean Representation Class


    my $bool = Module::Generic::Boolean->true;
    # or
    my $bool = Module::Generic::Boolean::true;
    # Now I have a Module::Generic::Boolean object

    # Returns 1
    if( $bool )
        # Do something

    my $hash =
        name => 'John Doe',
        active => $bool,
    # Converting to json
    print( JSON->new->encode( $hash ), "\n" );
    # Would result in
        name: "Jogn Doe",
        active: true

=head1 VERSION



This a class/package to represent boolean value and make sure they are recognised interchangeably as perl boolean, i.e. 1 or 0, or as L<JSON> bool, i.e. C<true> or C<false>

The code is taken and adapted from part of L<JSON> module.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 as_array

Returns an L<Module::Generic::Array> object with the current boolean value as its only entry.

    my $true = Module::Generic::Boolean->true;
    my $a = $true->as_array;
    say $a->[0]; # 1

=head2 as_number

Returns the current boolean value (1 or 0) as a L<Module::Generic::Number> object.

=head2 as_scalar

Returns the current boolean value (1 or 0) as a L<Module::Generic::Scalar> object.

=head2 defined

Returns true.

=head2 true

This returns a perl true value i.e. 1 or C<true> when added into L<JSON>

=head2 false

This returns a perl false value i.e. 0 or C<false> when added into L<JSON>

=head2 is_bool

Provided with a value and this returns true if it is a L<Module::Generic::Boolean> object

=head2 is_true

Provided with a value and this returns true if it is a L<Module::Generic::Boolean> object and this is true.

=head2 is_false

Provided with a value and this returns true if it is a L<Module::Generic::Boolean> object and this is false.

=head2 TO_JSON

This is called by L<JSON> to transform an object into json data format.

It returns C<\1> if true, or C<\0> otherwise. Those values are understood by L<JSON> and transcoded accordingly.


=for Pod::Coverage FREEZE

=for Pod::Coverage STORABLE_freeze

=for Pod::Coverage STORABLE_thaw

=for Pod::Coverage THAW

=for Pod::Coverage TO_JSON

Serialisation by L<CBOR|CBOR::XS>, L<Sereal> and L<Storable::Improved> (or the legacy L<Storable>) is supported by this package. To that effect, the following subroutines are implemented: C<FREEZE>, C<THAW>, C<STORABLE_freeze> and C<STORABLE_thaw>

=head1 AUTHOR

Jacques Deguest E<lt>F<jack@deguest.jp>E<gt>


Copyright (c) 2000-2024 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.

You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated
files under the same terms as Perl itself.
