##---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Stripe API - ~/lib/Net/API/Stripe/Connect/Account/Capability.pm ## Version v0.100.0 ## Copyright(c) 2019 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd. ## Author: Jacques Deguest <@sitael.tokyo.deguest.jp> ## Created 2019/11/02 ## Modified 2020/05/15 ## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------- package Net::API::Stripe::Connect::Account::Capability; BEGIN { use strict; use parent qw( Net::API::Stripe::Generic ); our( $VERSION ) = 'v0.100.0'; }; sub id { return( shift->_set_get_scalar( 'id', @_ ) ); } sub object { return( shift->_set_get_scalar( 'object', @_ ) ); } sub account { return( shift->_set_get_scalar_or_object( 'account', 'Net::API::Stripe::Connect::Account', @_ ) ); } sub requested { return( shift->_set_get_boolean( 'requested', @_ ) ); } sub requested_at { return( shift->_set_get_datetime( 'requested_at', @_ ) ); } sub requirements { return( shift->_set_get_object( 'requirements', 'Net::API::Stripe::Connect::Account::Requirements', @_ ) ); } ## active, inactive, pending, or unrequested. sub status { return( shift->_set_get_scalar( 'status', @_ ) ); } 1; __END__ =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Net::API::Stripe::Connect::Account::Capability - A Stripe Account Capability Object =head1 SYNOPSIS my $capa = $stripe->=capability({ account => $account_object, requested => $stripe->true, requested_at => '2020-04-01', status => 'active', }); =head1 VERSION v0.100.0 =head1 DESCRIPTION A hash containing the set of capabilities that was requested for this account and their associated states. Keys are names of capabilities. You can see the full list here (L<https://stripe.com/docs/api/capabilities/list>). Values may be I<active>, I<inactive>, or I<pending>. =head1 CONSTRUCTOR =over 4 =item B<new>( %ARG ) Creates a new L<Net::API::Stripe::Connect::Account::Capability> object. It may also take an hash like arguments, that also are method of the same name. =back =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item B<id> string The identifier for the capability. =item B<object> string, value is "capability" String representing the object’s type. Objects of the same type share the same value. =item B<account> string (expandable) The account for which the capability enables functionality. When expanded, this is a L<Net::API::Stripe::Connect::Account> object. =item B<requested> boolean Whether the capability has been requested. =item B<requested_at> timestamp Time at which the capability was requested. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. =item B<requirements> hash Information about the requirements for the capability, including what information needs to be collected, and by when. This is a L<Net::API::Stripe::Connect::Account::Requirements> object. =item B<status> string The status of the capability. Can be active, inactive, pending, or unrequested. =back =head1 API SAMPLE { "id": "card_payments", "object": "capability", "account": "acct_fake123456789", "requested": true, "requested_at": 1571480455, "requirements": { "current_deadline": null, "currently_due": [], "disabled_reason": null, "eventually_due": [], "past_due": [], "pending_verification": [] }, "status": "active" } =head1 HISTORY =head2 v0.1 Initial version =head1 AUTHOR Jacques Deguest E<lt>F<jack@deguest.jp>E<gt> =head1 SEE ALSO Stripe API documentation: L<https://stripe.com/docs/api/accounts/object> =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright (c) 2019-2020 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd. You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated files under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut