Revision history for Perl extension Text::PSP.
1.010 - Added "force_rebuild" option to Text::PSP->template method
1.000 - Removed taglib handling stubs: I'm not going to implement them
0.056 - Cleaned up error messages and file path reporting
0.054 - Added find_template method to Text:PSP
0.053 - Added find file directive
0.052 - Added normalize_path method to parse file paths
0.051 - Changed taglib behaviour
0.05 - Refactored Text::PSP::Parser again, added parse-time expression syntax,
changed @_out to @o in parsed templates
removed quoting bugs and added some tests for them
0.04 - Refactored Text::PSP::Parser
0.02 - 0.03 - early trial versions
0.01 - Wed Sep 18 12:32:57 2002
- original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
-X -A -v0.01 -n Text::PSP