0.27 Mon Nov 20 17:06:59 EST 2006
    - Moved an expire check to has_key
    - Doc updates from Terrence Brannon (metaperl)

0.26 Thu Aug 24 18:16:08 EDT 2006
    - Signature fixed on distribution

0.25 Wed Aug 23 01:25:36 EDT 2006
    - The last release was...ill-considered and missing a "defined"

    - Quiet down a warning on expirey

0.23 Tue Jan 18 08:31:03 EST 2005
    - Switch to fetch/store instead of fetch/set (recommended by Ruslan)
      (Also support get/set as aliases)

    - Minor doc fixes
    - Try harder not to invoke "expire" multiple times in the same second.