Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::SearchBuilder.

0.73 Sep 10 2002
        - More class-returnvalue ification
        - Fixed a caching bug that caused multiple copies of an object in memory to not 
          be kept in sync

0.72  Aug 28 2002
        - Fixed bug in setting a column to the value of an SQL statement.

0.70  Aug 27 2002
        - Better support for Postgres 7.2 and transactions.

0.62  Jul 5 2002
        - Support for Class::ReturnValue to channel errors up when expected
        - Dependency on Class::ReturnValue
        - Minor cleanups and refactorings to allow percolation of errors on create

0.34  May 23 2001
	- - refactored to allow LEFT joins.

0.31  Say May 12 14:45:00 EDT 2001
	- SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable now constructs cache keys in a way
	  that doesn't lose when records in different tables have the same keys.

0.30  Fri May 11 14:59:17 EDT 2001
        - Added DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable from <>
        - Changed SearchBuilder->Count to do the right thing if no 
          query has been performed
        - No longer specify a sort order if no sort order was specified ;)

0.01  Tue Aug 29 16:08:54 2000
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.19