package DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::SQLite; use DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle; @ISA = qw(DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle); use vars qw($VERSION @ISA $DBIHandle $DEBUG); use strict; =head1 NAME DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::SQLite -- A SQLite specific Handle object =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides a subclass of DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle that compensates for some of the idiosyncrasies of SQLite. =head1 METHODS =cut # {{{ sub Insert =head2 Insert Takes a table name as the first argument and assumes that the rest of the arguments are an array of key-value pairs to be inserted. If the insert succeeds, returns the id of the insert, otherwise, returns a Class::ReturnValue object with the error reported. =cut sub Insert { my $self = shift; my $table = shift; my %args = ( id => undef, @_); # We really don't want an empty id my $sth = $self->SUPER::Insert($table, %args); if (!$sth) { return ($sth); } # If we have set an id, then we want to use that, otherwise, we want to lookup the last _new_ rowid $self->{'id'}= $args{'id'} || $self->dbh->func('last_insert_rowid'); warn "$self no row id returned on row creation" unless ($self->{'id'}); return( $self->{'id'}); #Add Succeded. return the id } # }}} =head2 CaseSensitive Returns undef, since SQLite's searches are not case sensitive by default =cut sub CaseSensitive { my $self = shift; return(1); } sub BinarySafeBLOBs { return undef; } # }}} =head2 DistinctCount STATEMENTREF takes an incomplete SQL SELECT statement and massages it to return a DISTINCT result count =cut sub DistinctCount { my $self = shift; my $statementref = shift; # Wrapper select query in a subselect as Oracle doesn't allow # DISTINCT against CLOB/BLOB column types. $$statementref = "SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT FROM $$statementref )"; } # }}} =head2 _BuildJoins Adjusts syntax of join queries for SQLite. =cut #SQLite can't handle # SELECT DISTINCT main.* FROM (Groups main LEFT JOIN Principals Principals_2 ON ( = , GroupMembers GroupMembers_1 WHERE ((GroupMembers_1.MemberId = '70')) AND ((Principals_2.Disabled = '0')) AND ((main.Domain = 'UserDefined')) AND (( = GroupMembers_1.GroupId)) # ORDER BY main.Name ASC # It needs # SELECT DISTINCT main.* FROM Groups main LEFT JOIN Principals Principals_2 ON ( = , GroupMembers GroupMembers_1 WHERE ((GroupMembers_1.MemberId = '70')) AND ((Principals_2.Disabled = '0')) AND ((main.Domain = 'UserDefined')) AND (( = GroupMembers_1.GroupId)) ORDER BY main.Name ASC sub _BuildJoins { my $self = shift; my $sb = shift; my %seen_aliases; $seen_aliases{'main'} = 1; # We don't want to get tripped up on a dependency on a simple alias. foreach my $alias ( @{ $sb->{'aliases'}} ) { if ( $alias =~ /^(.*?)\s+(.*?)$/ ) { $seen_aliases{$2} = 1; } } my $join_clause = $sb->{'table'} . " main "; my @keys = ( keys %{ $sb->{'left_joins'} } ); my %seen; while ( my $join = shift @keys ) { if ( ! $sb->{'left_joins'}{$join}{'depends_on'} || $seen_aliases{ $sb->{'left_joins'}{$join}{'depends_on'} } ) { #$join_clause = "(" . $join_clause; $join_clause .= $sb->{'left_joins'}{$join}{'alias_string'} . " ON ("; $join_clause .= join ( ') AND( ', values %{ $sb->{'left_joins'}{$join}{'criteria'} } ); $join_clause .= ") "; $seen_aliases{$join} = 1; } else { push ( @keys, $join ); die "Unsatisfied dependency chain in Joins @keys" if $seen{"@keys"}++; } } return ( join ( ", ", ( $join_clause, @{ $sb->{'aliases'} } ) ) ); } 1; __END__ =head1 AUTHOR Jesse Vincent, =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1), DBIx::SearchBuilder =cut