use warnings; use strict; package Jifty::Script::Server; use base qw/App::CLI::Command/; # XXX: if test::builder is not used, sometimes connection is not # properly closed, causing the client to wait for the content for a # 302 redirect, see t/06-signup.t, which timeouts after test 24. # If we load this after we load the rest of Jifty, its die handler clobbers ours. # HATE. And even worse, Test::Builder clobbers our global SIG{__DIE__} handler. # So we work around the work around. The real answer is to figure out how Test::Builder # makes our test server not hang and do just that my $x; BEGIN {$x = $SIG{__DIE__}; } use Test::Builder (); BEGIN { $SIG{__DIE__} = $x;} use Jifty::Everything; use Jifty::Server; use File::Path (); use constant PIDFILE => 'var/'; =head1 NAME Jifty::Script::Server - A standalone webserver for your Jifty application =head1 DESCRIPTION When you're getting started with Jifty, this is the server you want. It's lightweight and easy to work with. =head1 API =head2 options The server takes only one option, C<--port>, the port to run the server on. This is overrides the port in the config file, if it is set there. The default port is 8888. =cut sub options { ( 'p|port=s' => 'port', 'stop' => 'stop', 'sigready=s' => 'sigready', 'quiet' => 'quiet', 'dbiprof' => 'dbiprof', ) } =head2 run C<run> takes no arguments, but starts up a Jifty server process for you. =cut sub run { my $self = shift; Jifty->new(); if ($self->{stop}) { open my $fh, '<', PIDFILE; my $pid = <$fh>; kill 'TERM' => $pid; return; } # Purge stale mason cache data my $data_dir = Jifty->config->framework('Web')->{'DataDir'}; if (-d $data_dir) { File::Path::rmtree(["$data_dir/cache", "$data_dir/obj"]); } $SIG{TERM} = sub { exit }; open my $fh, '>', PIDFILE or die $!; print $fh $$; close $fh; Jifty->handle->dbh->{Profile} = '6/DBI::ProfileDumper' if $self->{dbiprof}; $ENV{JIFTY_SERVER_SIGREADY} ||= $self->{sigready} if $self->{sigready}; Log::Log4perl->get_logger("Jifty::Server")->less_logging(3) if $self->{quiet}; Jifty::Server->new(port => $self->{port})->run; } 1;