package App::CSE::Command::Check;
$App::CSE::Command::Check::VERSION = '0.013';
use Moose;
extends qw/App::CSE::Command/;

use Lucy::Search::IndexSearcher;

# To check for shared-mime-info DB.
use File::BaseDir qw//;

use Log::Log4perl;
my $LOGGER = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();

sub execute{
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $index_dir = $self->cse()->index_dir();

  unless( -d  $index_dir ){
    $LOGGER->warn("No index $index_dir. You should run 'cse index'");
    return 1;

  # The directory is there. Check it is a valid lucy index.
  my $lucy = eval{ my $l = Lucy::Search::IndexSearcher->new( index => $index_dir );
  unless( $lucy ){
    my $err = $@;
    $LOGGER->error($self->cse->colorizer->colored("The index $index_dir is not a valid lucy index.", 'red bold'));
    $LOGGER->debug("Lucy error: $err");
    return 1;

  my $dirty_str = '';
  my $dirty_hash = $self->cse()->dirty_files();
  if( my $ndirty = scalar( keys %$dirty_hash ) ){
    $dirty_str  = ' '.$ndirty.' dirty files - run cse update to clean them';

  $LOGGER->info("Index $index_dir is healthy.".$dirty_str);
  my $schema = $lucy->get_schema();
  my @fields = sort @{ $schema->all_fields() };
  $LOGGER->info("Fields: ".join(', ', map{ $_.' ('._scrape_lucy_class($schema->fetch_type($_)).')'  } @fields));
  $LOGGER->info($lucy->get_reader()->doc_count().' files indexed on '.$self->cse->index_mtime()->iso8601());

  unless( File::BaseDir::data_files('mime/globs') ){
      $LOGGER->warn($self->cse->colorizer->colored(q|No mime type info database (mime-info) on the machine.

All the files will be considered to be application/octet-stream at index time, making the search useless.

The shared-mime-info package is available from

On linux:
  Check your  package manager

  brew install shared-mime-info

|, 'yellow bold'));
      return 1;

  # Check some watcher.
  if( my $watcher_pid = $self->cse->index_meta()->{''} ){
    $LOGGER->info("Dir watcher PID=".$watcher_pid);
    ( $watcher_pid ) = ( $watcher_pid =~ /(\d+)/ );
    if( kill(0 , $watcher_pid ) ){
      $LOGGER->info("Watcher is Running");
      $LOGGER->warn("Looks like watcher PID=$watcher_pid is defunct. Try cse unwatch to clean it up");

  return 0;

sub _scrape_lucy_class{
  my ($o) = @_;
  my $ref = ref($o);
  $ref =~ s/Lucy::Plan:://;
  return $ref;


=head1 NAME

App::CSE::Command::Check - Checks and display info about an index.
